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Re: st: Thanks Statacorp

From   Gary Longton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Thanks Statacorp
Date   Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:36:28 -0800

Fred Wolfe wrote:
Thanks Statacorp for fixing this!!!

31. When Alt-Tabbing between windows and the main Stata window, focus will automatically be sent to the Command window. Previously, focus was sent only after alphanumeric keystrokes were detected.
But . . . is it true?
Is anyone else still having trouble with the alt-tab behavior? Or am I doing something wrong?

Since I habitually use the alt-tab shortcut to navigate between windows, and in particular back and forth between Stata and my editor, I was very relieved to see the note Fred quotes from the latest executable update for Windows. I have been hoping for this fix since the *faulty* (non-standard, in any case) alt-tab behavior was introduced with version 9.0.

With the Jan 20, 2006 update I must still alt-tab-tab to get from the Stata command window to my editor (i.e. to get out of Stata and into to the next application window). A single alt-tab will take me back to Stata, but contrary to the release note above, it returns control to the main Stata window until an alphanumeric character is typed, not directly to the command window.

This is true both on my work desktop (Windows XP pro) and at home (XP home).

I have the following boxes checked for windowing preferences:

- use docking guides
- enable ability to dock, undock, pin, or tab windows
- make windows float (excluding results)
- make results window float


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