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st: displaying summation of a variable

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: displaying summation of a variable
Date   Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:33:25 +0000

dear statalisters,

Stata 8.2 Window XP Pro SP2,

i have a variable 'total', which represents population (no. of persons) per observation. what i wanted is quite simple - simply to sum(total) to give the overall total no. of person in the dataset. so i did egen sumpopn=sum(total), which created a variable sumpopn filled with a constant equalling the overall sum, then took a peek at it using display sumpopn. it does the job... but is there a shorter way of doing this without -egen- ing a new variable (i know i can always -drop sumpopn- later)?


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