The commas are the issue. Spaces or not is not
an issue. I recommend spaces around = for
readability, but that's partly a matter of taste.
[email protected]
Richard Williams
> At 09:52 PM 1/23/2006, Baoyan Cheng wrote:
> >Does anyone know the correct command for doing sum in STATA?
> >
> >I need to add together seven variables to form one measure called
> >"anxiety." I could simply add all the seven variables together, but
> >STATA would drop any observation that misses one of the seven
> >variables. I want STATA to treat missing values as 0 if at least one
> >of the seven variables is not missing, and that's what the command
> >"sum" is supposed to do (I thought).
> >
> >I tried the following commands, but none of them worked:
> >
> >1)egen anxi_sum=rsum (careopin, nervoppsex,nervsocial, nervpublic,
> >worrlaug, worrdrop, worrburd)
> >2)egen anxi_sum=sum (careopin, nervoppsex,nervsocial, nervpublic,
> >worrlaug, worrdrop, worrburd)
> >3)gen anxi_sum=sum (careopin, nervoppsex,nervsocial, nervpublic,
> >worrlaug, worrdrop, worrburd)
> >
> >The first was said to be "invalid syntax"; the second one "variables
> >in the parentheses are
> >invalid names"; and the third one "sum not found."
> There may be other problems, but at a minimum get rid of the spaces
> between the function and the parentheses and also replace the commas
> with spaces, e.g.
> egen anxi_sum=rsum(careopin nervoppsex nervsocial nervpublic worrlaug
> worrdrop worrburd)
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