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st: alt to inlist?

From   "Danielle H. Ferry" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: alt to inlist?
Date   Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:00:00 -0500

Hi all,
Is there something like inlist which does not require that all arguments
exist? I would like to keep observations where varname = a or b or c or d or
... But  it could be that varname never takes the value of d. Another issue is
that my list of arguments is v. long (~145), so a simple or statement is not
possible. I found a stata faq that suggested using inlist, but this doesn't
like it when one of the arguments in the list doesn't exist, and my varname is
a string, so I'd have to write many of these inlist statements (b/c the limit
is 10). 
Danielle H Ferry

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