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st: -adjust- after -stcox- with time-varying covariates

From   Allan Garland <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -adjust- after -stcox- with time-varying covariates
Date   Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:00:05 -0500

I am estimating a Cox model that includes several variables both alone and as time-dependent covariates (interaction terms with time), e.g:

stcox age race elixS1 elixS2 admsS1 admsS2, tvc(age admsS1 admsS2) texp(ln(_t))

and I want to use -adjust-. But, since the Hazard for age, admsS1 and admsS2 are now time-dependent, I'll need to look at it for several different values of time (or ln(_t) actually), but I cannot figure out from the manual how to do this. When I put a value of _t or ln(_t) into the syntax of -adjust- (just as I would to set the value of any other variable in a model before using adjust) it won't let me do it.

So, my question is, can I do this, and if so how?



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