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st: manova

From   Jason Thompson <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: manova
Date   Mon, 09 Jan 2006 16:16:13 -0600

Can someone explain to me why the SPSS [1] below, which one helpful poster on sci.stat called a "garden-variety one factor repeated measures ANOVA", is equivalent to Stata [2] rather than Stata [3]? When would one want to use the -manova- in Stata?

MANOVA scoredrug1 scoredrug2 scoredrug3

[2] (after reshaping to long form)
anova score drug subject

[3] (after defining a constant var named "constant"
manova scoredrug1 scoredrug2 scoredrug3 = constant, noconstant

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