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Re: st: Stata on Linux (Kanotix distro)

From   Neil Shephard <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata on Linux (Kanotix distro)
Date   Mon, 9 Jan 2006 16:10:59 +0000

On 1/9/06, JP Azevedo <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a newbie in the Linux world.
> I've just installed Kanotix 2005-04 in my Toshiba Notebook M55 and
> everything is fine, however I'm having trouble installing Stata on it and
> I'm having trouble understanding the documentation.
> The documentation states that I should the following:
> (1) [root@statlinux root]# mkdir /usr/local/stata
> (2) [root@statlinux root]# cd /usr/local/stata
> (3) [root@statlinux stata]# /mnt/cdrom/install
> I've managed to successfully implement steps 1 and 2, however I don't seem
> to be able to run the installation script with command line described above.

You don't indicate the error message you are recieving which is kind
of critical if you want others to help, since it is this information
(in addition to what you have typed which you have included :) that is
informative and allows others to provide advice assistance (this is
explained in the Statalist FAQ, but is also of broad application to
any postings soliciting help with problems).

I can see two possible errors...

1) Your CD is not mounted

mount /mnt/cdrom

(This assumes that a) you have permission to mount and unmount drives;
b) the mount point for the CD-ROM on your isntallation is /mnt/cdrom. 
I'm not familiar with Kanotix, but check the distribution
documentation to check this).

2) Your getting a "Permission denied" type error.

You can work around this by doing the following...

Copy the following files to /usr/local/stata (assuming of course your
CD-ROM is mounted) by typing the following commands (note the # at the
prompt indicates that you are root user, and are not used as

# cp /mnt/cdrom/install /usr/local/stata/.
# cp -R /mnt/cdrom/unix /usr/local/stata/.

Then change directory to where you have just copied the files...
# cd /usr/local/stata

Then run the install script adapting the instructions described in the
"Getting Started with Stata UNIX"...
# ./install

..and follow the prompts.

If neither of these resolve your problem then you'll have to post more
information regarding the error messages that are reported.


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