-stripplot- is a user-written program on SSC.
The help file is quite explicit in indicating
that what Raphael wants is not supported.
As far as I can see, there at least three answers to
Raphael's question:
1. Use the -by()- option instead of -over()-.
The author of -stripplot- thought that much
nicer graphs could be produced for several
variables and several groups by exploiting the
facilities offered by -by()-.
2. Yes, this can be done. You must clone -stripplot-
and modify your version to allow this. Some programming
is thus required.
3. Yes, this can be done. You need to -reshape-,
or otherwise restructure, your data so that that they define
either several variables or several groups, but not both.
[email protected]
Raphael Fraser
> I would like to execute the following command: stripplot hba2 hbf,
> over(groupvar). Technically this cannot be done as I get the error:
> over() may not be combined with more than one variable
> r(198);
> Can anyone suggest a way around this problem?
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