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Re:st: distplot

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re:st: distplot
Date   Wed, 20 Aug 2003 20:05:02 +0100


> I began using distplot to graph cdf of single variables
> and it is fine.

> What if I want two graphs in one (one besides the other
> one for example) with this command?
> I went to the help window in Stata and it says the following:

> distplot plottype varlist [weight] [if exp] [in range] [, {
> |midpoint)}reverse tscale transformation_syntax)
> but is not helping me, seems that I should do something in addition
> specify my varlist......

-distplot- is a user-written command, last revised in SJ 3-2.

The help for -distplot- includes a pointer to general -graph-
options. These include -graph save- and -graph combine- as usual.
Thus produce your desired -distplot-s, save and combine.

However, another comment: -distplot- was designed to allow
multiple cdfs to be drawn in one graph. Comparing functions
drawn in the same graph is usually easier than comparing them
on graphs presented side-by-side.

[email protected]

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