You can easily fit some Bayesian time-series models using the bayes
prefix. For instance, bayes: var fits Bayesian vector autoregressive
With the flexibility of the bayesmh command, you can go even further.
Follow along as Nikolay Balov demonstrates how to fit Bayesian
threshold autoregressive (TAR) models.
See it work »
Microeconometrics Using Stata, Second Edition
The second edition of Cameron and Trivedi's text is everything you would expect based
on the first edition—clear discussion of fundamental microeconometric
methods with excellent advice for applied researchers and examples
using Stata. And it is much more—an entire volume more, with new econometric methods that have become popular
since the last edition was published and with the many
new commands added to Stata.
Order your copy »
You asked. We listened! Meta-analysis updates
In Stata 17, we added multivariate meta-analysis, Galbraith plots,
and leave-one-out meta-analysis.
But we didn't stop there.
See which new features are now available in the latest free
update to Stata 17.
Learn more »
2022 Stata Conference: Program announced
It's back, in person! The 2022 Stata Conference will be held on 4–5 August at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, DC.
Network with researchers from across all disciplines, engage with StataCorp's developers, and learn new and exciting applications of Stata.
Registrations are limited, so view the program and reserve your spot today.
Register now »
Community corner: Wordle in Stata
We typically write programs out of necessity, but why not
program for fun too? Austin Nichols showed us how by
creating wordy, similar to the viral online game Wordle.
You already have Stata open, so why not play now?
Find out how »
Upcoming Stata training opportunities
Whether you're new to Stata or are looking to expand your Stata knowledge, we have a training course for you.
Our expert instructors will teach you the fundamentals of how to use Stata in "Using Stata Effectively", or you can dive further into one of Stata's advanced statistical procedures with our survey data or SEM courses.
Check out all our upcoming training options.
Enroll »