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Re: st: find the corresponding values between two variables

From   Sara Neto Machado <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: find the corresponding values between two variables
Date   Fri, 18 Apr 2014 00:04:26 +0100


Yes, I run your code exactly like you suggested me. I had no -id-
variable before the gen id=_n generated by your method. I think I
understand why there is an error with reshaping and is due to my
initial inquiry which is the reason why I am having so much trouble to
solve this issue.
In order to better explain my theory about the problem let me send
again the example that I provide in the beginning with more detail
information that may help  us with the reasoning issue.

thus, for the sake of illustration, let's consider the following:

c_"something" represents a code of a company and w_"something"
represents the number of workers for that exactly company in a given
year. Thus, the values of c_Est and c_trab  when doing the comparison
should be equal and the value of w_est and w_trab should be equal as
well but that is not happening in reality..
So I need to understand where those differences appear as I notice
they come from the worker's side as well as from the companies side
since there are some companies missing in c_Trab. Stata is defining
missing value for those cases at the end of the database because the
data is mismatch along the database.

By taking into account this example, we have 3 missing values that are
due to c_est == 13 & c_est == 35 & c_est == 40 observations that do
not have a match in c_trab like their were supposed too.
If we apply your reshape syntax code in our example it will give a
result of 3 missing values for -id-. The problem is always the
mismatch situation with companies that I do not know how to

In my real database I have 28 cases of mismatch and thus 28 missing
values for -id-. However, and since missing values always appear in
the end I do not know to which companies they belong.

If you have any more suggestions for this problem I will be much
appreciated. Thank you for your valuable input.


2014-04-17 15:22 GMT+01:00 Joe Canner <[email protected]>:
> Sara,
> Based on the results of -reshape error- it looks like you have a bunch of observations for which -id- is missing.  This, in turn, causes problems with duplicate -j- values.  Did you generate -id- using my suggestion (gen id=_n) or did you already have a variable called -id- in your dataset?  My method should not have resulted in  missing values for -id-.  If you are using your own -id- variable you will need to figure out why there are missing values and either fix them or get rid of them.
> Regards,
> Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sara Neto Machado
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 8:28 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: find the corresponding values between two variables
> Dear Nick and Joe,
> For Nick:
> initially I did something similar of what you have proposed
> gen diff4 = w_est - w_trab if c_est != c_trab
> to understand how much was the difference between the cases that
> didn't match. However I found the result to be a lot bigger that was
> supposed to, therefore I notice a new problem: the mismatch that Joe
> correclty understood from my previous example sample. I know that I
> have 28 cases that do not match, however they are all over the
> database and I need to identify them.
> Taking into account Joe's solution:
> I read about the reshape syntax before but I though it woulnd't apply
> for my case because it doesn´t allow me to isolate the mismatch cases
> instead I need to eliminate those which I do not want to do. However,
> I test all your code and an error occur (see result below, please) due
> to the exactly 28 mismatch that I state previously and thus I continue
> to not know how to isolate them since the 28 missing values appear in
> the end which is not correct since they appear all over the
> database....
> there isn't any other syntax that just do some kind of sorting with
> -if- statements to allow to indentify this mismatch? I know that we
> have  - sort by - but also does no good for my problem.
> reshape wide c_ w_, i(id) j(j) string
> (note: j = emp est trab)
> j not unique within id;
> there are multiple observations at the same j within id.
> Type "reshape error" for a listing of the problem observations.
> . reshape error
> (note: j = emp est trab)
> i (id) indicates the top-level grouping such as subject id.
> j (j) indicates the subgrouping such as time.
> The data are in the long form;  j should be unique within i.
> There are multiple observations on the same j within id.
> The following 28 of 1049448 observations have repeated j values:
>          +-----------+
>          | id      j |
>          |-----------|
> 1049421. |  .   trab |
> 1049422. |  .   trab |
> 1049423. |  .   trab |
> 1049424. |  .   trab |
> 1049425. |  .   trab |
>          |-----------|
> 1049426. |  .   trab |
> 1049427. |  .   trab |
> 1049428. |  .   trab |
> 1049429. |  .   trab |
> 1049430. |  .   trab |
>          |-----------|
> 1049431. |  .   trab |
> 1049432. |  .   trab |
> 1049433. |  .   trab |
> 1049434. |  .   trab |
> 1049435. |  .   trab |
>          |-----------|
> 1049436. |  .   trab |
> 1049437. |  .   trab |
> 1049438. |  .   trab |
> 1049439. |  .   trab |
> 1049440. |  .   trab |
>          |-----------|
> 1049441. |  .   trab |
> 1049442. |  .   trab |
> 1049443. |  .   trab |
> 1049444. |  .   trab |
> 1049445. |  .   trab |
>          |-----------|
> 1049446. |  .   trab |
> 1049447. |  .   trab |
> 1049448. |  .   trab |
>          +-----------+
> (data now sorted by id j)
> thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Sara
> 2014-04-16 20:00 GMT+01:00 Joe Canner <[email protected]>:
>> The problem as I understand it (which may not be correct) is that the entry with c_est==13 is not just a problem for that observation but its presence makes all of the rest of the observations mismatched as well.
>> What might help here is to -reshape- the dataset so that all (c_est,c_trab) pairs can be identified and all unmatched cases eliminated.  Or, if you'd rather, just reshape again based on the c_ variables and make the mismatches have a missing partner. Something like:
>> gen id=_n
>> reshape long w_ c_, i(id) j(j) string
>> replace id=c_
>> reshape wide c_ w_, i(id) j(j) string
>> This assumes that your c_ variables are unique.  If not, you will have to modify this or do something else entirely.
>> Regards,
>> Joe Canner
>> Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 2:38 PM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: Re: st: find the corresponding values between two variables
>> Not clear what you want (or what you tried: you show no code) but does
>> gen diff = w_est - w_trab if c_est == c_trab
>> or
>> gen OK = c_est == c_trab
>> edit if OK
>> help?
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> On 16 April 2014 19:31, Sara Neto Machado <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> c_est----w_est---c_trab----w_trab
>>> 10----------10-----------10-------11
>>> 11-----------3------------11-------3
>>> 13-----------4-------------17-------5
>>> 17------------5-------------18-------7
>>> 18---------10----------------23-----3
>>> 23-----------5----------------25-----6
>>> my aim is to perform the differences between w_est and w_trab for the
>>> same values of c_est and c_trab. However, I have along the dataset as
>>> well as values that do not coincide in c_trab and c_est (Eg from the
>>> sample: 13) that "ruins" the sorting between those columms. I want the
>>> 13 to appear like missing values on the same line of c_trab. I am
>>> trying to search any syntax that suits my purpose and nothing relevant
>>> came up. Maybe there are other alternatives that I am not seeing now..
>>> Can anyone help me? much appreciated!
>>> regards,
>>> Sara
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