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Yan: st: Variance decomposition ANOVA dummy variable

From   ömer limanlı <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Yan: st: Variance decomposition ANOVA dummy variable
Date   Mon, 14 Apr 2014 09:04:36 +0100 (BST)

I guess no, anova is not appropriate for binary variable. u can use logistic or probit model.

14 Nis 2014 10:37 Pazartesi tarihinde Mehmet Altun <[email protected]> şöyle yazdı:
Dear Colleagues,

I have a simple question. When doing a variance decomposition analysis, 
I run an ANOVA (dependent variable is continuous).
The ANOVA allows us to decompose the variation in dependent variable to 
each explanatory variable.
What if my dependent variable is a dummy variable (0/1)? What is the 
alternative to ANOVA?

Best regards,
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