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RE: st: margins

From   "Ozturk, Orgul" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: margins
Date   Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:54:15 -0500

Sorry about that
Following works: 

reg logrealwagechange i.promCurrentJob##i.woman#i.govt## i.schoolinggroup $extras $changeindustryvars $changeoccupations  if careerstage==1
margins, at(woman=1 ) at(woman=0 ) over (govt schoolinggroup promCurrentJob) post
margins, coeflegend

and then I run test in the following form
lincom	_b[1._at#0.schoolinggroup#0.govt#0.promCurrentJob]-_b[2._at#1.careerstage#0.schoolinggroup#0.govt#0.promCurrentJob]

reg logrealwagechange i.promCurrentJob##i.woman#i.govt## i.schoolinggroup $extras $changeindustryvars $changeoccupations  if careerstage==1
margins, at(promCurrentJob =1 ) at(promCurrentJob =0 ) over (govt schoolinggroup woman) post
margins, coeflegend

this does not work:

reg logrealwagechange i.promCurrentJob##i.woman#i.govt## i.schoolinggroup $extras $industry $occupationgroup  if careerstage==1, noc
margins, at(woman=1 ) at(woman=0 ) over (govt schoolinggroup promCurrentJob) post
margins, coeflegend

and this is what I have for the xtlogit, fe 

xtlogit promCurrentJob i.woman##i.careerstage##i.govt##i.schoolinggroup $usualsuspects, fe
margins, at(woman=0 ) at(woman=1 ) predict(pu0) over (careerstage schoolinggroup govt) post

again this does not really work.

Thank you very much..
I can send you the data and the do file if you need.

Orgul Demet Ozturk
Assistant Professor of Economics
Economics Department
Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Maarten Buis
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 8:32 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: margins

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Ozturk, Orgul  wrote:
> I have this specifications :
> reg logrealwagechange 
> i.promCurrentJob##i.woman#i.govt##i.schoolinggroup $extras $industry $occupationclass if careerstage==3 , noc for this margins give me no estimates.

And your -margins- command is...
And the _exact_ contents of your macros is...

We cannot help you if you do not give the necessary information.

> Once I have the estimates I want to run test comparing male female 
> estimates within each schooling, and sector by promotion status And then again I want to look at effect of promotion by looking at wage growth for promoted and nonpromoted by schooling, sector and gender.
> Everything runs without a problem if I ignore the nonexistence of the constant.   It does not really make a difference for this case but I want to learn how it is to be estimated for future reference
> For the xtlogit fe I am working with
> xtlogit promCurrentJob 
> i.woman##i.careerstage##i.govt##i.schoolinggroup $usualsuspects, fe
> I create the estimates by setting the unobserved factors equal to zero, but when I then tabulate them by career stage, sector and gender{reference group (male in early career with lowest education in private sector) ]  I cannot get the varying marginal effect of early career in private sector.  Even if I get these I am not perfectly sure how to interpret them.

Once again, _exact_ commands please.

-- Maarten

Maarten L. Buis
Reichpietschufer 50
10785 Berlin

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