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RE: st: Grouping firmid or not to tsset data ?
"Abdalla, Ahmed" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
RE: st: Grouping firmid or not to tsset data ?
Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:46:35 +0000
You are brilliant !
Thanks, I tried -egen firmid=group(permno) rather than gen firmid=group(permno)- and it worked perfectly.
I use
egen firmid=group(permno)
gen timeid=ym(yr,mth)
This means that in the firmid I use the-generate- command with group, and in the timeid -I use the other function you suggested .
By the way, there are no duplicates now either on permno yr mth (or) firmid timeid , and from a quick visual inspection, I can see that tsset firmid timeid is equivalent to tsset permno timeid now. I believe there is no preference now if I use the firmid or permno besides timeid in -tsset-ing my panel or sorting my data. Do you agree ?
The last code now for reference is:
****Begin code****
use ccm2.dta,clear
format datadate %d
gen yr=year(datadate)
gen mth=month(datadate)
rename lpermno permno
drop if permno==.
sort permno yr mth
duplicates drop permno yr,force //to delete firms that changed their fiscal year reporting
save ccm_2.dta,replace
use crsp2.dta,clear
format date %d
gen yr=year(date)
gen mth=month(date)
drop if permno==.
sort permno yr mth
duplicates drop permno yr mth,force
save crsp_2,replace
merge 1:1 permno yr mth using ccm_2.dta
egen firmid= group(permno)
gen timeid = ym(yr, mth)
duplicates report firmid timeid
tsset firmid timeid
gen prc3=f3.prc
keep if _merge==3
save ccm2_crsp2.dta,replace
***End code***
From: [email protected] <[email protected]> on behalf of Nick Cox <[email protected]>
Sent: 20 January 2014 21:20
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Grouping firmid or not to tsset data ?
In other words,
-group()- is used with -generate- is emphatically _NOT_ the -group()-
as used with -egen-.
[email protected]
On 20 January 2014 21:16, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> If you really are typing
> gen firmid = group(permid)
> then that triggers the undocumented Stata function -group()-. That's
> going to be very wrong for you. With
> egen firmid = group(permid)
> you might try
> egen double firmid = group(permid)
> instead.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> On 20 January 2014 19:03, Abdalla, Ahmed <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear Statalist
>> I have a panel id (permno) and two time variables (yr) and (mth) and want to tsset my panel based on permno yr mth
>> I run:
>> gen timeid = ym(yr, mth)
>> gen firmid=group(permno)
>> tsset firmid timeid
>> //I get the error message -repeated time values within panel
>> when I run tsset permno timeid
>> //it works properly.
>> I changed my data set, and used another data set to rule out any problems with my data, however still get the same results !
>> Can I tsset when only the time variables are grouped in one timeid and the firmid is not grouped ? Is it correct?
>> Thanks
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