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re: st: Re: error in -vanelteren- (1 group found, 2 required)
"Ariel Linden" <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
re: st: Re: error in -vanelteren- (1 group found, 2 required)
Sun, 19 Jan 2014 20:51:16 -0500
Thanks to both Red Owl and Joseph Coveney for the response!
That error message is easy to misunderstand. I assumed (wrongly) that the
error was referencing the binary variable used in by(), not in missing
levels of the strata...
Joseph, FYI, I emailed you at [email protected] on 12/29/13 and then
again at [email protected] on 1/1/14. I did not receive a notification of a
bounce either time...
Thanks again
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 09:31:05 +0900
From: "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Re: error in -vanelteren- (1 group found, 2 required)
I am getting an error when running the user-written program -valelteren-
(written by J. Coveney, downloaded from ssc).
The error message states that 1 group is found when 2 are required. Clearly
there are 2 groups in the specified variable.
I emailed the author of code at two different email addresses but he's so
far non-responsive.
Does anyone else experience this error? I am running Stata v 13.1
- -vanelteren- does a within-stratum test between the two groups of the of
- -by- variable, and so you'll need at least one observation in each of the
groups for each stratum for the command to work. As Red Owl pointed out,
first two repair record strata have no observations in the
groups. (See below.)
I just checked my e-mail accounts and there is no e-mail from you anywhere
(other than via the Stata List server), even in the junk-mail folders. You
might want to re-check whether yours to see whether it bounced for some
Joseph Coveney
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. tabulate rep78 foreign
Repair |
Record | Car type
1978 | Domestic Foreign | Total
- -----------+----------------------+----------
1 | 2 0 | 2
2 | 8 0 | 8
3 | 27 3 | 30
4 | 9 9 | 18
5 | 2 9 | 11
- -----------+----------------------+----------
Total | 48 21 | 69
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