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Re: st: Creating variable recording for each individual charateristics of members of OTHER groups
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Creating variable recording for each individual charateristics of members of OTHER groups
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 16:16:45 +0000
Good catch. This makes the FAQ originally cited appear relevant again;
the key point is defining the groups.
However, the concatenation Team+Opponent may not uniquely define Team
and Opponent with string identifiers more than one character long.
Think "4 244" and "42 44". Better to insert a space, as I just did.
[email protected]
On 15 January 2014 16:09, Robert Picard <[email protected]> wrote:
> This is much easier to do if you group observation by game played. An
> individual's peers are simply the difference between the total number
> of players with the same Charateristic in the game minus the total in
> player's team with the same Charateristic.
> Robert
> * ----------------- begin example ------------------------------
> clear
> input Individual Day str1 Team str1 Opponent str5 Char Score
> 1 1 A B Red 2
> 2 1 A B Black 2.5
> 3 1 A B Brown 4
> 4 1 A B Black 1
> 1 1 B A Red 1
> 2 1 B A Black 3
> 3 1 B A Brown 1
> 1 2 A C Red 2
> 2 2 A C Black 2
> 3 2 A C Brown 5
> end
> gen game = cond(Team<Opponent,Team+Opponent,Opponent+Team)
> isid Day game Char Team Individual, sort
> by Day game Char: gen gametot = _N
> by Day game Char Team: gen Teamtot = _N
> gen peers= gametot - Teamtot
> list, sepby(Day game Char) noobs
> * ----------------- end example -------------------------------
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 5:55 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> <>
>> This is unlikely to be exactly what you want, but it may give some
>> ideas about technique.
>> clear
>> input Individual Day str1 Team str1 Opponent str5 Char Score
>> 1 1 A B Red 2
>> 2 1 A B Black 2.5
>> 3 1 A B Brown 4
>> 1 1 B A Red 1
>> 2 1 B A Black 3
>> 3 1 B A Brown 1
>> 1 2 A C Red 2
>> 2 2 A C Black 2
>> 3 2 A C Brown 5
>> end
>> gen n_others = 0
>> qui forval i = 1/`=_N' {
>> count if Opponent==Team[`i'] & Day == Day[`i'] & Char == Char[`i']
>> replace n_others = r(N) in `i'
>> }
>> See also
>> SJ-7-3 pr0033 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stata tip 51: Events in intervals
>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
>> Q3/07 SJ 7(3):440--443 (no commands)
>> tip for counting or summarizing irregularly spaced
>> events in intervals
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> On 15 January 2014 10:23, Vincenzo Carrieri <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I have some problems in generating a variable capturing charateristcs
>>> of members of other groups.
>>> I read the intersting FAQ
>>> but I think it does not cover the situation in which the interest is
>>> on charateristics of members of other groups.
>>> I have a data set like this:
>>> Individual Day Team Opponent Team Charateristic Score
>>> 1 1 A B
>>> Red 2
>>> 2 1 A B
>>> Black 2,5
>>> 3 1 A B
>>> Brown 4
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> 1 1 B A
>>> Red 1
>>> 2 1 B A
>>> Black 3
>>> 3 1 B A
>>> Brown 1
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> 1 2 A C
>>> Red 2
>>> 2 2 A C
>>> Black 2
>>> 3 2 A C
>>> Brown 5
>>> I need to generate a variable recording for each individual and for
>>> each day the number of individuals in the opponent team with the same
>>> charateristic of individual i playing in team j.
>>> I have no problems to generate the same variables recording
>>> charateristics of individuals playing in the same team using
>>> combination of by, egen and count command:
>>> bysort team day charateristics: egen "peer_variable"=count(Score)
>>> However, this procedure does not seem to work when the focus is on
>>> charateristics of players of the opponent team. If I replace "team"
>>> with "opponent team" in the above line command, stata generates me the
>>> same identical "peer_variables" built above. I guess this is due to
>>> the fact that my procedure is not appropriate when informations are
>>> not in the same row.
>> *
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