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RE: st: reshape query

From   Tim Evans <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: reshape query
Date   Mon, 6 Jan 2014 10:04:17 +0000

Hi Richard, Cam,

Thanks for your responses. I do still want to manipulate the data within Stata, so I still need to do some work with -reshape-.

Richard, I've followed your code and this did the trick - many thanks for your help.

Best wishes


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Richard Herron
Sent: 03 January 2014 20:21
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: reshape query

You can do the -reshape- in one pass. Also, the -id- variable isn't necessary in this case and I think I would help the Yes/No variable as a string so you get more meaningful variable names (I think if you used -encode- then the 1 is N and 2 is Y, but I would mess that up).

Does the following help?

* * * * *


* some data
input age     str1 invsurg2_string        id      age_
 17      Y               1               1
 18      Y               1               1
 19      Y               1               2
 20      Y               1               2
 21      Y               1               1
 22      Y               1               3
 23      Y               1               3
 24      Y               1               9
 25      Y               1               12
 26      Y               1               19
 27      Y               1               26
 28      Y               1               32
 29      Y               1               41
 30      Y               1               65
 31      Y               1               86
 32      Y               1               75
 17      N               2               1
 18      N               2               1
 19      N               2               2
 20      N               2               2
 21      N               2               1
 22      N               2               3
 23      N               2               3
 24      N               2               9
 25      N               2               12
 26      N               2               19
 27      N               2               26
 28      N               2               32
 29      N               2               41
 30      N               2               65
 31      N               2               86
 32      N               2               75
encode invsurg2_string, generate(invsurg2) replace age_ = age_ + 1 if (invsurg2_string == "N") drop invsurg2_string list

* reshape
* no need for -id-, -reshape wide- can use -age- directly drop id

* I would use -invsurg2- as string to get clearer varnames decode invsurg2, generate(YN) drop invsurg2

* now reshape to wide with -, string-
reshape wide age_, i(age) j(YN) string
renpfix age_ // -renpfix- from SSC
order age Y N

. list
     | age    Y    N |
  1. |  17    1    2 |
  2. |  18    1    2 |
  3. |  19    2    3 |
  4. |  20    2    3 |
  5. |  21    1    2 |
  6. |  22    3    4 |
  7. |  23    3    4 |
  8. |  24    9   10 |
  9. |  25   12   13 |
 10. |  26   19   20 |
 11. |  27   26   27 |
 12. |  28   32   33 |
 13. |  29   41   42 |
 14. |  30   65   66 |
 15. |  31   86   87 |
 16. |  32   75   76 |

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Tim Evans <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using Stata 11.2 and trying to reshape a dataset to an output that I would like.
> I am trying to get my data in the format (note that invsurg2 is 
> spurious at the moment and will be dropped when I get to this point)
> age     y       n
> 17      1       0
> 18      1       0
> 19      2       0
> 20      2       0
> 21      1       0
> 22      3       0
> 23      3       1
> 24      9       0
> 25      12      5
> ~~
> ~~
> 94      22      108
> 95      9       87
> 96      12      65
> 97      2       44
> 98      4       16
> 99      1       11
> y and n relate to invsurg2 which is shown below
> My initial data look like this:
> age     invsurg2        id      age_
> 17      Y               1               1
> 18      Y               1               1
> 19      Y               1               2
> 20      Y               1               2
> 21      Y               1               1
> 22      Y               1               3
> 23      Y               1               3
> 24      Y               1               9
> 25      Y               1               12
> 26      Y               1               19
> 27      Y               1               26
> 28      Y               1               32
> 29      Y               1               41
> 30      Y               1               65
> 31      Y               1               86
> 32      Y               1               75
> Where invsurg2 is a Y/N variable (numeric behind a label), id has been generated using:
> bysort age: g id=_n
> and age_ currently relates to a count, but for reasons of reshaping, 
> found it helpful to call the variable age_
> This run of data runs to age 99, and then is repeated, but for 
> invsurg2==N
> I reshape the data using the following:
> reshape wide age_, i(id inv) j(age)
> Which returns the following:
> id      invsurg2        age_17  age_18  age_19  age_20  age_21  age_22  age_23  age_24  age_25  age_94  age_95  age_96  age_97  age_98  age_99
> 1       Y               1       1       2       2       1       3       3       9       12      22      9       12      2       4       1
> 2       N               0       0       0       0       0       0       1       0       5       108     87      65      44      16      11
> What I have been struggling with is how to complete my final reshape to provide this desired output:
> age     y       n
> 17      1       0
> 18      1       0
> 19      2       0
> 20      2       0
> As indicated earlier, invsurg2
> I would appreciate any help here.
> Best wishes
> Tim
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