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st: French language date labels in tsline

From   "McDermaid, Cameron" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: French language date labels in tsline
Date   Tue, 31 Dec 2013 15:10:59 +0000

Hello all and happy new year, depending on your geography.

Stata version 13.1 English for Windows

Is it possible to alter the date axis label to French language when it's plotted?  Eg.  Apr to avr with months having four letters or less (e.g. mars) unabbreviated.

I'm doing a time series plot -tsline- with dates formatted as "month day" on the x axis -format admdate %tdMon_DD-. The plots are done daily on a 30 day moving window of hospital data. There is a bilingual requirement for graphs that we publish so I need them in French as well as English. 

Setting the regional language option to French in Windows seems to have no effect and I'm unable to find any options in Stata to accomplish this. I can manually alter the date labels in the Graph Editor which is what I'm doing at the moment. Because I create these graphs so often, if I can script the formatting change rather than do it manually, it would be helpful. The 30day window shift, I think, will preclude me recording and saving the edits I do because the date labels will change from day to day. Post graph processing is that I generally copy and paste the graphs from the graph window as images into emails/documents but occasionally process them as eps files into pdf documents using latex.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Cameron McDermaid MHSc
Ottawa Public Health
100 Constellation Crescent 26-50
Ottawa ON K2G 6J8
vox 613-580-6744 ext 15321  toll free 1-866-426-8885 ext 15321  
fax 613-580-9601
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