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st: Export Excel and Cell references

From   Tal Elmatad <redacted>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Export Excel and Cell references
Date   Mon, 23 Dec 2013 11:12:24 -0500


I am having a problem with Export Excel in Stata 12. I generally
create a “raw data” worksheet and then create a second formatted
worksheet that references cells on the “raw data” worksheet. I noticed
that when I rerun my Stata script, if I use Export Excel the cell
references don’t update (i.e. while the raw data is updated, the
formatted worksheet is showing the old values). I suspect that since
Excel only updates references when a connected cell is updated, that
the Export function is somehow not registering as a change to Excel.
Is there an option I can use to force the workbook to update? Thank

Tal Elmatad

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