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Re: st: Foreach loop, panel data, and residuals
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Foreach loop, panel data, and residuals
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 12:05:18 +0000
Ulrich is correct. Note here that
forv i = 1/`=r(max)' {
forv i = 1/`r(max)' {
work equally well.
-foreach- tries before working through the loop to construct a list of
all the elements you want to cycle over, namely
1 2 3 4 ... 36221
where naturally I left out almost every element. In your case that is
too long. The list
1 2 3 4 ... 758510
would be even longer and so could not possibly solve your problem,
quite apart from the detail that you want to cycle over groups, not
individuals, so -group- would not take any values 36222 ... 758510.
-forval- does not try to construct a list in advance and is free of this limit.
[email protected]
On 19 December 2013 11:57, Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]> wrote:
> Use -forvalues- instead of -foreach-, i.e.
> . forv i=1/`=r(max)' {
> ...
> }
> Am 19.12.2013 12:54, schrieb Adrian Stork:
>> Dear Nick
>> deal all
>> So, as Nick suggested I tried to implement the loop using method one
>> from the link above. So the code I ended up with looks like this:
>> *******************************************
>> egen group = group(cusip date2)
>> gen residual = .
>> su group, meanonly
>> foreach i of numlist 1/`r(max)' {
>> regress ex_ret_daily mktrf smb hml if group == `i'
>> predict temp, residuals
>> replace residual=temp if group == `i'
>> drop temp
>> }
>> *******************************************
>> Although, this code makes sense at least to me, it does not work and I
>> get the error message:
>> invalid numlist has too many elements
>> r(123);
>> In total I have 758,510 obs and r(max) is 36,221.
>> I also used r(N) instead of r(max) and still the same error message.
>> I also extracted a subsample with merely 3677 obs and 2 cusips (i.e.
>> two groups, i.e. r(max)=2)
>> Does anyone have an idea how I can make this loop work based on the
>> description I previously gave or where my mistake is?
>> Would very much appreciate it.
>> Best,
>> A
>> 2013/12/17 Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
>>> Your -foreach- command cycles over a list containing precisely one
>>> element, the variable -group-.
>>> foreach i of var group {
>>> regress ex_ret_daily mktrf smb hml if group == `i'
>>> predict temp, residuals
>>> replace residual=temp if group == `i'
>>> drop temp
>>> }
>>> It is thus on all fours with
>>> regress ex_ret_daily mktrf smb hml if group == group
>>> predict temp, residuals
>>> replace residual=temp if group == group
>>> drop temp
>>> which carries out the regression for every observation as -if group ==
>>> group- selects all the data,
>>> Your intent is to cycle over the distinct values of -group-, which is
>>> quite a different matter. See Method 1 in
>>> Nick
>>> [email protected]
>>> On 17 December 2013 16:36, Adrian Stork <[email protected]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm close to the solution I'm looking for but double-checking shows
>>>> some deviations that I can't figure out.
>>>> So I got a panel dataset defined by cusip and date which looks like
>>>> this:
>>>> cusip date2 date
>>>> ex_ret_daily mktrf smb hml
>>>> 90000000 1990m1 01Jan1990 0.10
>>>> 1.5 0.3 0.2
>>>> 90000000 1990m1 02Jan1990 0.40
>>>> 0.7 0.6 0.7
>>>> .... .... ....
>>>> ... ... ....
>>>> ....
>>>> 90000004 1983m1 01Jan1983 0.14
>>>> 1.5 0.3 0.9
>>>> 90000007 1983m1 02Jan1983 0.45
>>>> 1.7 0.6 0.3
>>>> etc.
>>>> Now I want to retrieve the residuals from the regression:
>>>> ex_ret_daily= beta*mktrf + smb + hml
>>>> but for each cusip and month, that is, using the approx 25 daily
>>>> returns from a month of a cusip as the subsample each regression
>>>> should run on.
>>>> I wrote a code that works and the results even look reasonable, which
>>>> looks as follows:
>>>> ***
>>>> egen group = group(cusip date2)
>>>> gen residual = .
>>>> foreach i of var group {
>>>> regress ex_ret_daily mktrf smb hml if group == `i'
>>>> predict temp, residuals
>>>> replace residual=temp if group == `i'
>>>> drop temp
>>>> }
>>>> ***
>>>> However, when I compare the residuals from my code and the residuals
>>>> from a subsample of one cusip of one specific month, they are not
>>>> identical, and I don't know where I could've made a mistake?
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