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st: Variance Partition Coefficient

From   Simon Pickert <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Variance Partition Coefficient
Date   Thu, 19 Dec 2013 12:31:28 +0100

Dear Statalister,
I am wondering, how to calculate the Variance Partition Coefficient (VPC) in my panel data set. I want to arrive at a measure  that tells me how much of the total variance of a variable is due to the differences between units (between variance) rather than due to differences across time for the same unit (within variance).

xtsum gives me the overall variance as well as the within and between variance. However, the overall variance does not appear to be the sum of within and between variance. 

Any ideas how to calculate such a measure (not sure anymore if VPC is what I’m looking for)?

Thank you!

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