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st: Marginsplot on backtransformed data

From   Daniel Herbert Opi <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Marginsplot on backtransformed data
Date   Thu, 19 Dec 2013 17:58:28 +1100

Hi All,

I am using the marginsplot function to plot graphs that take into
account adjustments I have carried out following a regression
analysis. Since my regression analysis contains data that has been
normalised by square root transformation, the plots are not that
easily interpretable. Is there a way to plot the same graphs but
somehow tell Stata/marginsplot to use back-transformed results? And
does the margins function store predictions that can be accessed?

I am using Stata 13 and the following are examples of commands I am using:

regress squareroot_transformed_variable i.categorical1 i.categorical2

margins categorical1


Kind Regards
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