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Re: st: Correctly specifying dependent variable

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Correctly specifying dependent variable
Date   Wed, 18 Dec 2013 12:19:16 +0000


It sounds as if you need -reshape-. Presumably your data was in
several columns in MS Excel and so Stata naturally assumes that to be
the structure you want. Either way, consider -reshape-.
[email protected]

On 18 December 2013 12:04, Radha Shah <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalist users,
> I am having an issue when trying to specify my dependent variable correctly in Stata. I am using Stata 13 for Windows.
> I am very sorry if this question seems trivial to most, however I am only a Stata beginner so would appreciate any advice anyone can give me.
> My dependent variable has both an i and j index (it is: funds from donor i to recipient country j). When I import my data into Stata from Microsoft Excel it appears as the following:
> Country         | Red Cross        CARE    ....         Oxfam
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Angola          |       0                  10000                              0
>                         |
> Cameroon        |  30000                 0                       10000
> ....                    |
>                         |
> Zimbabwe        |        0                  15000                       0
> Stata automatically takes the first row as headings for variables, and thus I have a separate variable for "country", and a separate variable for "Red Cross", "Care", "Oxfam" etc. Instead, I want the dependent variable to encompass both the i and j index such that my dependent variable observation for Red Cross funds in Angola is 0 and the same dependent variable also picks up that CARE funds in Cameroon are 10000. For reference, I intend to run a random effects Tobit model using the data.
> I am sure there is a very easy way to do this on Stata, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Please also let me know if my question is in any way unclear.
> Many thanks,
> Radha
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