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st: Scale break in box plot

From   Rakesh Ghosh <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Scale break in box plot
Date   Mon, 16 Dec 2013 11:24:44 -0800

>>> Dear Stata list members
>>> I have a box plot with many outliers. I would like to insert a scale break to increase the box size and reduce the span of the outliers. I tried both of the options in this Stata scale break link ( While inserting a line will not work in my case because I have no break in data points, the second option does work when I create a box plot and a scatter plot and then combine them together.
>>> -graph box trafficdensity if trafficdensity>0 & trafficdensity<=125, over(county)-
>>> However, the median, p25 and p75 are underestimated because I restrict the upper limit of the box plot, so it is not good for me. I will have to restrict the upper limit otherwise I will not get the plot of desirable size. Is there any way you can think how I can insert a break on the y axis? 
>>> Thanks for any suggestion.
>>> Rakesh Ghosh

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