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st: Problem defining syntax for program

From   [email protected]
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Problem defining syntax for program
Date   Fri, 13 Dec 2013 22:06:02 +0000 (UTC)

Dear list 
I am writing a Stata program and am encountering some problems with defining the syntax. The program is designed to estimate power for comparing ROC curves. When I run the program I obtain the following error (with set trace on). 
rocpower , area0(0.5) area1(0.6) n(100) percent(0.25) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin rocpower --- 
- syntax, area0(real 0.50) area1(real 0.50) n(integer 100) [area2(real 0.50) na(integer 50) 
nn(integer 50) percent(real 0.50) r(real 0) alpha(real 0.05) tails(integer 2) I(integer 2) J(integer 1) 

invalid syntax 
The program was called using the statement: 
rocpower , area0(0.5) area1(0.6) n(100) percent(0.25) 
I have looked over the syntax help several times but I can't seem to locate the problem. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. 

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