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st: New package -holsti- on SSC

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: New package -holsti- on SSC
Date   Thu, 12 Dec 2013 10:48:55 +0100

Thanks to Kit Baum, a new package -holsti- is now available for download from SSC. In Stata, use the -ssc- command to do this.

The -holsti- command computes the Holsti intercoder reliability coefficient either for all coders of one given variable or for selected coders. For more information, please see the description below.

Best wishes

package holsti from

      'HOLSTI': module to compute Holsti intercoder reliability coefficients


       holsti calculates the Holsti intercoder reliability coefficient
      in order to assess coder reliability when doing media content
      analyses. The coefficient can be calculated either for one given
      variable or for different coders. Therefore, concordant and
      discordant codings between coders are computed. In addition to
      the reliability coefficient, holsti permits the creation of a
      variable counting the number of discordant codings for each
      observation, making it it easier to further analyze cases with
      many deviant codings.

      KW: data management
      KW: Holsti
      KW: intercoder reliability
      KW: media content

      Requires: Stata version 13

      Distribution-Date: 20131211

      Author: Alexander Staudt, Universitaet Mannheim
      Author: Mona Krewel, Universitaet Mannheim

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