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st: forvalues, foreach and macro
BENSIDOUN Isabelle <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: forvalues, foreach and macro
Fri, 6 Dec 2013 19:02:44 +0000
Is there anyone to help me ?
I try to run the following code but it does not work
forvalues i=2/ $c{
mat drop _all
global toto`i'= "cf`i'h* cf`i'f*"
foreach VAR of varlist $toto`i' {
bootvar `VAR'
scalar `VAR'=`VAR'[1]
scalar se_`VAR' = sigma
scalar t_`VAR' = `VAR'[1]/sigma
scalar p_`VAR'=ttail($r, abs(t_`VAR'))
In fact I don't understand why stata does not understand that
foreach VAR of varlist $toto`i' means, when i=2, foreach VAR of varlist $toto2
and instead understand foreach VAR of varlist 2 as mentionned in the following trace
forvalues i=2/ $c{
= forvalues i=2/ 9{
- mat drop _all
- global toto`i'= "cf`i'h* cf`i'f*"
= global toto2= "cf2h* cf2f*"
- foreach VAR of varlist $toto`i' {
= foreach VAR of varlist 2 {
2 invalid name
bootvar `VAR'
scalar `VAR'=`VAR'[1]
scalar se_`VAR' = sigma
scalar t_`VAR' = `VAR'[1]/sigma
scalar p_`VAR'=ttail($r, abs(t_`VAR'))
Thank in advance for your suggestions.
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