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Re: st: RE: Generating a value depending on filename
Sergiy Radyakin <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: RE: Generating a value depending on filename
Tue, 3 Dec 2013 17:03:30 -0500
local allstates "AK AL EZ AR AZ PZ CA"
local territories "EZ PZ"
foreach initials of local allstates {
if (strpos(`"`territories'"',`"`initials'"')) continue
local statecode=1+floor(strpos(`"`allstates'"',`"`initials'"')/3)
display "`initials' `statecode'"
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Jack Newsham <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Joel,
> I think this comes close, but I see two problems:
> 1) the numerical "state" variable I'm attempting to create is designed
> to match the FIPS state codes in my main project dataset from the
> Census, and the FIPS system skips five numbers (3, 7, 14, 43, and 52)
> for non-state US territories. Starting with AR, I'd have a lot of
> numbers to replace.
> 2) The alphabetical order of state initials does not match the
> alphabetical order of states themselves (starting with AriZona and
> ARkansas), which is what FIPS is based on.
> Best,
> Jack Newsham
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Joe Canner <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Jack,
>> How about:
>> foreach initials in AK AL AR AZ CA {
>> import excel `initials'_labor_vars.xls, sheet("BLS Data Series") firstrow
>> gen stateinit = "`initials'"
>> encode stateinit, gen(statecode)
>> }
>> The variable -stateinit- will be a string variable with the state's initials and the variable -statecode- will be a number from 1 to 51 corresponding to the alphabetical order of the initials. Let us know if that is not what you want.
>> Regards,
>> Joe Canner
>> Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jack Newsham
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 4:24 PM
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: Generating a value depending on filename
>> Hi all,
>> I'm working with state-by-state employment data on 51 Excel
>> spreadsheets that I plan to eventually append together and merge into
>> my main project file. Each spreadsheet is organized in columns
>> containing the year, month, and several measures of employment, with
>> only the name of the spreadsheet identifying the state whose data it
>> contains. I am attempting to create two variables -- "time" and
>> "state" -- to merge these data into my main file.
>> I'm somewhat of a Stata naif, however, and I'm running into a problem
>> when I try to generate "state" and give it a different value in every
>> spreadsheet. My use of "if filename ==" and "if using" seem to be the
>> source of the problem, but I can't imagine how to generate a state
>> variable with a different value in each file. I've excerpted from my
>> do file, in relevant part. Can you advise? Is there a way to do this
>> in a loop? My thanks for any pointers.
>> foreach initials in AK AL AR AZ CA {
>> * The clear command is at the end of this loop.
>> import excel `initials'_labor_vars.xls, sheet("BLS Data Series") firstrow
>> * Create time variable by which to merge:
>> encode period,gen(monthnum)
>> gen time = (year * 100) + monthnum
>> * Create state variable by which to merge:
>> gen state = 01 if filename == "AL_labor_vars.xls" | 02 if filename ==
>> "AK_labor_vars.xls" | ///
>> 04 if filename == "AZ_labor_vars.xls" | 05 if filename ==
>> "AR_labor_vars.xls" | ///
>> 06 if filename == "CA_labor_vars.xls"
>> }
>> Best,
>> Jack Newsham
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