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st: Multilevel modeling

From   Christina Wei <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Multilevel modeling
Date   Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:03:17 -0500

Hi everyone!  Happy Holidays :)
I have a question about multilevel modeling.  I'm new to this type of
analysis, and am planning on doing the analysis in Stata 12.

The question is:  Is it possible to do a "propensity-score weighted"
multilevel modeling?  I searched the literature and have found none.

I plan to derive my propensity scores from a logistic regression model
regressing baseline group membership on the baseline values of some
selected covariates.  I have a panel/longitudinal data with 5 follow
up visits, but I plan to just use baseline data to derive a "baseline
cross-sectional" propensity score.  I plan to use the propensity
scores to weight-adjust my final multi-level model.  Theoretically,
the probability of being assigned to a specific treatment group is
only "valid" at baseline (e.g. prior to initiation of treatment).

I greatly appreciate any help I could get on this.

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