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st: reshaping data

From   Paul Byatta <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: reshaping data
Date   Wed, 27 Nov 2013 03:47:22 -0800 (PST)

Hi Statalist, 

I have a dataset in which an exact set of questions is asked about multiple pupils, hence the data reported looks like this in Stata. For illustration, the data is from 3 pupils.

pupid_1 name_1 age_1 sch_1 pupid_2 name_2 age_2 sch_2 pupid_3 name_3 age_3 sch_3
231      Jay     13   DA    232     Ren    12    SP    233     Mimi    14   HH

I am wondering is there a short way I could turn the data from the current wide format (where everything appears on the same row) to a long format (where each pupil information will appear on its own row) that will look like below?

pupid name age sch
231    Jay  13  DA
232    Ren  12  SP
233    Mimi 14  HH

I have looked at -reshape- command and it doesnt seem to allow me retain the core of the variable name, ie drop the "_#" part of variable names above and retain the main part.

Thanks for the help


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