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st: IV: endogenous interaction regressor and interaction instrument

From   Olivia Bertelli <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: IV: endogenous interaction regressor and interaction instrument
Date   Fri, 22 Nov 2013 17:03:35 +0100

Dear Statalists,

I want to estimate the following regression with an IV 2SLS method,
having two endogenous regressors:

1st stage:

X1 = b1*Z1 + b2*(Z1 x Z2)


X1 x Z2 = b1*Z1 + b2*(Z1 x Z2)

where, Z1 and Z1 x Z2 are the excluded instruments, X1 is endogenous,
and both X1 x Z2 and Z1 x Z2 are interaction terms

2nd stage:

Y = a1*X1 + a2 *(X1 x Z2)

My question is: how to I handle endogenous interaction terms
instrumented with exogenous interactions? should I include also a3*Z2
alone in the 2nd stage? Or rather in the first stage? Neither of the

Thank you very much for any help or reference you may provide,
Best regards,
Olivia Bertelli
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