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st: Panel data ARCH/GARCH post-estimation?

From   "Christopher A. Hartwell" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Panel data ARCH/GARCH post-estimation?
Date   Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:19:15 +0200

Hi all,

I am just exploring the functionalities of Stata 13 in regards to GARCH
estimation, and have been looking intensely for a better set of
postestimation commands. I have used G@RCH (OxMetrics) before and am
impressed by their post-estimation commands, but as I am more familiar with
Stata and working in the Stata environment, I would love to be able to
replicate some of that functionality from G@RCH in Stata.

To whit, are there any do/ado files or commands that exist that allow for
panel data ARCH/GARCH postestimation that performs the ARCH-LM test or the
Ljung-Box tests at various lags? The AIC/BIC are easy enough to obtain, but
beyond that I'm finding it difficult to find any commands or tests that work
with panel data (too many of the existing commands I find are time series
only, while some of the "panelauto" package commands give me results only
for a time series in one panel).

Does anyone have any idea if these commands are out there, either built-in
or through a user-written program?

Much thanks in advance,

Christopher Hartwell

Christopher A. Hartwell, PhD

Head of Economic Research

Institute for Emerging Market Studies (IEMS)

In Moscow: +7 916 777 1260 (m)

In the US:    +1 202-415-6030 (m)

                       +1 773-724-2310 (t/f)

Skype: chartwel

Christopher A. Hartwell
Economic Growth and Business Environment Consultant
In Moscow: +7 916 777 1260
In the US:    +1 202-415-6030 (m)
                        +1 773-724-2310 (t/f)
e-mail: [email protected]
alternate emails: [email protected], [email protected] 

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