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RE: st: anova account for the same individuals

From   "Airey, David C" <[email protected]>
To   "<[email protected]>" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: anova account for the same individuals
Date   Thu, 21 Nov 2013 01:01:26 +0000



With regard to plots, I suggest you plot the ad means 
(marginal means) and CIs in one graph, and maybe all 
pairwise differences and CIs in another plot.

I generally do this before models in case they
spit out something nonsensical.

webuse t43 // like your experimental design
anova score drug person, repeated(drug)

// in recent Statas (>=12), we can use

pwcompare drug, mcompare(tukey)
margins drug
marginsplot // to get a marginal means plot

// all paired t-tests, unadjusted
// you can do this in v. 11

reshape wide score, i(person) j(drug)
local t=4 // 4 drugs
forvalues j = 1/`=`t'-1' {
		forvalues k = `=`j'+1'/`t' {
				display "Drug `j' vs. `k'"
				ttest score`j' == score`k'

You would need to collect the difference estimates and CIs
from these t-tests to plot (write them down, or post them as you go).

// xtmixed can be used in this way in newer Statas
xtmixed score i.drug || person:
pwcompare drug

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