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Re: st: Generating a Count Variable of Number of Obs in a Time Interval Preceding the Current Obs
David Feinswog <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Generating a Count Variable of Number of Obs in a Time Interval Preceding the Current Obs
Wed, 20 Nov 2013 15:57:34 +0000
Thank you Joe Canner and Nick Cox.
The following article was incredibly helpful:
The solution I came up with for generating a count variable of open
calls was:
gen opencall=0
local N=_N
forval i=1/`N' {
count if inrange(timecreate[`i'],timedispatch,timeclose)
replace opencall=r(N) in `i'
The quietly command can also be used by replacing "forval i=1/`N' "
with "quietly forval i=1/`N' ".
This returns the number of calls dispatched and not closed at the time
of a given call's creation. i.e.
As Nick pointed out, 53*60000 would need to be used to create a count
of calls dispatched up to 53 minutes prior to a -timecreate-.
David Feinswog
On Nov 19, 2013, at 12:27 PM, David Feinswog wrote:
I am working with Emergency Medical Services (EMS) ambulance call data
using Stata/IC 12. The variables of consequence are:
1. timecreate: the time when the 911 dispatcher first received the 911
2. timedispatch: the time when the 911 dispatcher sent an EMS resource
(i.e. ambulance) to the location
3. timeclose: the time when the EMS resource cleared from the call and
returned to service
* if it matters, times are formatted %tc
I am trying to capture a measure of EMS system use load.
Specifically, I need to generate a count of all open calls when a call
came in. For simplicity, I am going to keep things simple for now and
disregard "timeclose". I will try to capture ALL CALLS DISPATCHED IN
THE 53 MINUTES (average call duration) PRIOR TO EACH "timecreate" OBS.
The simple attempt using egen:
egen countcall= count(timedispatch<= timecreate[_n] & timedispatch
+53<= timecreate[_n])
This returned _N for each observation.
Attempt using foreach loops:
gen countcall=o
*using a limited numlist (1/20 vs 1/_N) to speed things up while I
figure out the appropriate coding
foreach obs of numlist 1/20 {
sum timecreate if _n==`obs'
local time1=r(mean)
gen dum1=1 if timedispatch<= `time1' & timedispatch<= `time1'-53
egen dum2=total(dum1)
replace countcall=dum2 if _n==`obs'
drop dum*
This returned _n for each obs in the specified numlist 1/20
Please let me know if there is any additional information that could
David Feinswog
Economics, Tulane University
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