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RE: st: FORVAL loop incomplete
"Francis, Richard N" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
RE: st: FORVAL loop incomplete
Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:11:03 +0000
Thanks for your help!
Adding your suggestion results in 'variable GROUP not found'
Here's the code I used:
destring gvkey, replace
egen id = group(gvkey), label
gen date1 = yq(year, fqtr)
tsset id date1, quarterly
su id, meanonly
*create file to contain new appended variable
*save new
g Z14 = .
g Z24 = .
g Z34 = .
g Z4t = .
g Z3t = .
g Z2t = .
g Z1t = .
local limit=r(max)
forval i = 1/`limit' {
*display "Iteration of `i' of `limit"
di "`: label (group) `i''"
srootfix fcf if id == `i'
return list
ereturn list
local p=`i'
replace Z14 = r(Z14) in `p'
replace Z24 = r(Z24) in `p'
replace Z34 = r(Z34) in `p'
replace Z4t = r(Z4t) in `p'
replace Z3t = r(Z3t) in `p'
replace Z2t = r(Z2t) in `p'
replace Z1t = r(Z1t) in `p'
*append using new
Maybe I added the new piece incorrectly?
Thank you!
Rick Francis
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:17 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: FORVAL loop incomplete
As I understand it you want to supplement or replace
forval i = 1/`limit' {
display "Iteration of `i' of `limit"
The information of interest is in the value label, so this line can follow or replace the line just quoted above.
di "`: label (group) `i''"
The syntax from inside outwards is
`i' group number
`: label (group) `i'' its value label
"`: label (group) `i''" string delimiters for tidiness, at least
The syntax is explained at -help macro- and its link -help extended_fcn-.
Here is an accessible test case:
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. egen group = group(foreign rep78), label
(5 missing values generated)
. su group, meanonly
. forval i = 1/`r(max)' {
2. di "`: label (group) `i''"
3. }
Domestic 1
Domestic 2
Domestic 3
Domestic 4
Domestic 5
Foreign 3
Foreign 4
Foreign 5
[email protected]
On 19 November 2013 23:02, Francis, Richard N <[email protected]> wrote:
> Both Nick and Sergiy have provided extremely useful ideas.
> Have one other neophyte question ...
> Say the data has 3 unique IDs, and each ID has 60 unique values.
> The code below (between the two horizontal lines) generates summary results for each of the IDs.
> How would I add the contents of the ID variable to the summary results?
> Thank you so much!
> Rick
> ________________________________________
> destring gvkey, replace
> egen id = group(gvkey), label
> gen date1 = yq(year, fqtr)
> tsset id date1, quarterly
> su id, meanonly
> g Z14 = .
> g Z24 = .
> g Z34 = .
> g Z4t = .
> g Z3t = .
> g Z2t = .
> g Z1t = .
> local limit=r(max)
> forval i = 1/`limit' {
> display "Iteration of `i' of `limit"
> srootfix fcf if id == `i'
> local p=`i'
> replace Z14 = r(Z14) in `p'
> replace Z24 = r(Z24) in `p'
> replace Z34 = r(Z34) in `p'
> replace Z4t = r(Z4t) in `p'
> replace Z3t = r(Z3t) in `p'
> replace Z2t = r(Z2t) in `p'
> replace Z1t = r(Z1t) in `p'
> }
> _______________________________________
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sergiy
> Radyakin
> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2013 11:40 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: FORVAL loop incomplete
> Nick, sorry I missed your message and I trusted sroot was cleared/tested. That explains a lot, but still I would isolate the problem within sroot, and keep my program clear from any crunches to handle sroot's problem. A quick fix could be something like this:
> Now Rick can call srootfix instead of sroot in the loop I provided. If sroot ever gets fixed, Rick would replace that call from srootfix to sroot directly. If Rick routinely uses sroot, srootfix might become reusable in multiple projects.
> It may take like 10 more minutes to produce an automatic srootfix that would detect the version of sroot and decide whether to call it directly or use preserve, but I doubt anyone needs this level of automation.
> Best, Sergiy Radyakin
> On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> An earlier thread established that -sroot- (SJ) does not support -if-
>> correctly. That's the entire point of the work-around being used here.
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> On 9 November 2013 17:52, William Buchanan <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hi Rick,
>>> I've adjusted some of your code below based on the information that you've provided to the listserv:
>>> destring gvkey, replace
>>> encode gvkey, gen(id)
>>> gen date = yq(year, fqtr)
>>> tsset id date, quarterly
>>> g Z14 = .
>>> g Z24 = .
>>> g Z34 = .
>>> g Z4t = .
>>> g Z3t = .
>>> g Z2t = .
>>> g Z1t = .
>>> su id, meanonly
>>> forval i = 1/3 {
>>> sroot fcf if id==`i'
>>> replace Z14 = r(Z14) if id== `i'
>>> replace Z24 = r(Z24) if id== `i'
>>> replace Z34 = r(Z34) if id== `i'
>>> replace Z4t = r(Z4t) if id==`i'
>>> replace Z3t = r(Z3t) if id==`i'
>>> replace Z2t = r(Z2t) if id== `i'
>>> replace Z1t = r(Z1t) if id== `i'
>>> }
>>> You could also take Sergiy's suggestion and store everything in matrices, and if you wanted you could easily modify the user-written program around line 306 to store all of the values in a matrix that you could return in the same way as the scalars that you are referencing here. If you wanted to create a new dataset based on the results, you could possibly modify the program to make it byable and use -statsby-, or you could check out -post- and -postfile- commands to store the results to another file.
>>> HTH,
>>> Billy
>>> On Nov 9, 2013, at 10:41 AM, "Francis, Richard N" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Hi Sergiy,
>>>> Thank you for taking time out of your day for such a novice issue.
>>>> The entire pgm looks like this:
>>>> destring gvkey, replace
>>>> egen id = group(gvkey), label
>>>> gen date = yq(year, fqtr)
>>>> tsset id date, quarterly
>>>> su id, meanonly
>>>> g Z14 = .
>>>> g Z24 = .
>>>> g Z34 = .
>>>> g Z4t = .
>>>> g Z3t = .
>>>> g Z2t = .
>>>> g Z1t = .
>>>> forval i = 1/`r(max)' {
>>>> preserve
>>>> keep if id == `i'
>>>> sroot fcf
>>>> return list
>>>> ereturn list
>>>> replace Z14 = r(Z14) in `i'
>>>> replace Z24 = r(Z24) in `i'
>>>> replace Z34 = r(Z34) in `i'
>>>> replace Z4t = r(Z4t) in `i'
>>>> replace Z3t = r(Z3t) in `i'
>>>> replace Z2t = r(Z2t) in `i'
>>>> replace Z1t = r(Z1t) in `i'
>>>> append using new
>>>> restore
>>>> }
>>>> R(max) immediately prior to the FORVAL loop is three (3), but I'm not sure this is what you are looking for in your first comment.
>>>> Does this help at all?
>>>> Again, thank you!
>>>> Rick Francis
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [email protected]
>>>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sergiy
>>>> Radyakin
>>>> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2013 9:28 AM
>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>> Subject: Re: st: FORVAL loop incomplete
>>>> Rick,
>>>> 1) N may be 180, but what is r(max)? In Stata r(max) is the result of the previous command [of r-class]. You don't show us this command.
>>>> Please do.
>>>> 2) The combination of "append using new" and "restore" does not make sense, Whatever you append you immediately lose.
>>>> 3) If append is meant to add one observation where you are saving
>>>> the results (dataset new is a blank one observation of the same
>>>> layout as the current dataset), consider using: expand in _N
>>>> 4) If you want to accumulate the results of your tests, consider using a matrix to hold the results, and avoid modifying the data.
>>>> Best, Sergiy
>>>> On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Francis, Richard N <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> I'm sorry, N = 180 obs, currently cycles through the first 60 (3 groups of 60 =180 total obs).
>>>>> Thank you!!
>>>>> Rick Francis
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: [email protected]
>>>>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick
>>>>> Cox
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2013 9:08 AM
>>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>>> Subject: Re: st: FORVAL loop incomplete
>>>>> Tell us what r(max) is.
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> [email protected]
>>>>> On 9 November 2013 15:53, Francis, Richard N <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Statalist,
>>>>>> Have a simple FORVAL loop which should result in multiple cycles.
>>>>>> However, she only cycles once. I'm sure the answer is obvious to experienced Stata users (which I am not).
>>>>>> The loop is as follows:
>>>>>> forval i = 1/`r(max)' {
>>>>>> preserve
>>>>>> keep if id == `i'
>>>>>> sroot fcf
>>>>>> return list
>>>>>> ereturn list
>>>>>> replace Z14 = r(Z14) in `i'
>>>>>> replace Z24 = r(Z24) in `i'
>>>>>> replace Z34 = r(Z34) in `i'
>>>>>> replace Z4t = r(Z4t) in `i'
>>>>>> replace Z3t = r(Z3t) in `i'
>>>>>> replace Z2t = r(Z2t) in `i'
>>>>>> replace Z1t = r(Z1t) in `i'
>>>>>> append using new
>>>>>> restore
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I am grateful for any thoughts anyone may have.
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