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Re: st: Multinomial Logistic - ordinal variables and Odds Ratios
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected], "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Multinomial Logistic - ordinal variables and Odds Ratios
Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:45:40 -0500
At 09:33 PM 11/14/2013, Imogen Jones wrote:
Hi Everybody
I was hoping somebody could shed some light on
the differences between using an ordinal and
nominal variable in multinomial logistic regression in Stata.
I understand the processes are different, but
I?m more concerned about the model fitting. My
interpretation of Hosmer and Lemeshow (2000) was
that there isn?t a reliable test to estimate model fit. Is this still correct?
First off, I am curious as to why you are not
using an ordered logit (ologit) model. Have you
already determined that the assumptions of such a
model are violated with your data.
Second, I am not sure by what you mean when you
say "the processes are different." If you use an
ordinal DV in an mlogit model you are basically
ignoring the ordering of the categories and treating the variable as nominal.
Also, when using an ordinal variable as a
dependent variable in multinomial logistic, are
there any assumptions specific to this analysis
that need to be met or parameter estimates that may vary from binary logistic?
The assumptions will be the same whether the DV
is ordinal or categorical with more than 2
categories. Again, the fact that the variable is
ordinal is irrelevant since you are ignoring the
ordered nature of the data when you use mlogit.
Another question ? Stata only seems to produce a
coefficient or relative risk ratio for
multinomial logistic. Is there a specific
reason why it won?t produce an odds ratio or is
it just not a function of Stata? I assumed it
was the former since Stata is so comprehensive
it probably wouldn?t leave something like that out.
No matter what you call it, you are
exponentiating the coefficient, i.e. it is the
same mathematical transformation. There was a
thread some years ago about why Stata used terms
like relative risk ratios when other programs
called them odds ratios. I'll see if I can find it.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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