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[no subject]

I am familiar with time varying covariates in Cox proportional
hazards, but not other models.

I also have some non-time varying covariates that I would like to take
into account.

Can anybody recommend a command in Stata to analyse this dataset?



P.S. - The dataset is very simple and basically looks like this:

id type value   date
1  X    11.1     15/09/2010
1  Y    113.1   18/03/2011
1  X    15        06/07/2011
1  X    11.7     21/10/2011
1  Y    124.5   21/10/2011
1  X    14.4     27/01/2012
1  X    12.9     04/05/2012
1  Y    132.3   04/05/2012
1  Y    116.9   07/09/2012
1  X    14.7     07/09/2012
1  Y    127.7   13/12/2012
1  X    13.2     13/12/2012
2  X    11.1     18/02/2011
2  X    14.1     26/05/2011
2  X    14.7     21/10/2011
2  X    16.2     19/12/2011
2  X    14.1     15/06/2012
2  Y    119.9   03/10/2012
2  X    13.8     03/10/2012
2  Y    120.7   22/10/2012
2  X    9.9       22/10/2012
3  X    17.1     08/05/2003
3  X    12        20/08/2003
3  X    15.6     09/12/2003
3  X    14.7     20/05/2004
3  X    13.2     28/09/2004
3  X    12.6     16/03/2005
3  X    11.4     19/10/2005
4  Y    110      26/11/2008
4  X    15.6     26/11/2008
4  X    15.9     04/06/2009
4  Y    110.8   04/06/2009
4  X    16.5     27/08/2009
4  Y    100.8   27/08/2009
4  Y    110.6   24/11/2009
4  X    14.7     24/11/2009
4  Y    100.3   25/02/2010
4  X    18.3     25/02/2010
4  X    22.2     01/07/2010
4  Y    120.1   01/07/2010
4  X    18        13/10/2010
4  Y    130.6   13/10/2010
4  Y    120.6   18/01/2011
4  X    20.4     18/01/2011
4  X    11.7     05/05/2011
4  Y    110.5   05/05/2011
4  Y    110.6   20/09/2011
4  X    16.5     03/11/2011
4  Y    120.8   03/11/2011
4  Y    120.7   08/05/2012
4  X    19.5     08/05/2012
4  X    17.7     26/07/2012
4  Y    110.6   25/01/2013
4  X    15        25/01/2013
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