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Re: st: identifying observations where multiple conditions are met

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: identifying observations where multiple conditions are met
Date   Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:22:33 -0800

Thanks Richard, when I enter the first line of code:

. gen byte mintype=min(type), by(id)

I get "invalid syntax

I'm using:
Stata/IC 13.0 for Mac (64-bit Intel)
Revision 07 Oct 2013

Is there a command I need to download?

Best wishes,
Michael McCulloch

Pine Street Foundation, since 1989
124 Pine Street | San Anselmo | California | 94960-2674  
P: (415) 407-1357 | F: (206) 338-2391 |

On Nov 13, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Richard Goldstein wrote:

> if I understand what you are asking for correctly, I would do the following:
> gen byte mintype=min(type), by(id)
> gen byte maxtype=max(type), by(id)
> ta id if mintype==0 & maxtype==1
> note that if there are a maximum of 2 occurrences of the id there are
> ways to do this in one statement, but from what you said it appears that
> id can occur more than 2 times
> Rich
> On 11/13/13, 3:14 PM, Michael McCulloch wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have data of the structure:
>> 	id 		(range 1 to 300)
>> 	type 	(for each -id-, should equal only one of two values: 0 or 1).
>> In manual inspection of the data, I see instances exist where, for the same -id-, 
>> 	some records have type==0, and  
>> 	other records have type==1.
>> If I enter 
>> 	. tab id if type==0 & type==1
>> obviously "no observations" is returned.
>> How would I write a command in which I can tabulate all -id- for which some 
> observations exist where type==0, and others where type==1? (At data entry,
> -type- should have unique for each -id-.)
>> Best wishes,
>> Michael McCulloch
>> --
>> Pine Street Foundation, since 1989
>> 124 Pine Street | San Anselmo | California | 94960-2674  
>> P: (415) 407-1357 | F: (206) 338-2391 |
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