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st: combining results from -tabulate- and -bitest- in the same table

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: combining results from -tabulate- and -bitest- in the same table
Date   Mon, 4 Nov 2013 08:29:33 -0800

Apologies for previous incomplete posting. Here is the full message:

I have data of the structure shown below. 

   station   uti   correct  
         4     1         1  
         5     0         1  
         1     1         1  
         1     0         1  
         3     0         1  
         3     0         1  
         4     0         1  
         2     0         1  
         3     0         1  
         5     0         1  
         3     0         1  
         4     0         0  
         5     0         1  
         1     1         1  
         1     1         1  
         2     0         1  
         3     0         1  
         1     0         1  
         1     0         1  
         4     0         1  
         1     0         1  
         2     0         1  

I wish to combine results of two different tests in the same table generated by Stata. I wish to learn this technique because the table will need to be generated many times from different datasets. The table I envision has the following structure:

	Column A	-bysort station: bitest uti=.> 2-  
	Column B	-tab station correct, row-
	Column C	confidence intervals for -correct-, stratified by -station-, based on the normal approximation, p+/-1.96(sqrt(p(1-p)/n))

Is this possible to do?

Best wishes,
Michael McCulloch

Pine Street Foundation, since 1989
124 Pine Street | San Anselmo | California | 94960-2674  
P: (415) 407-1357 | F: (206) 338-2391 |

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