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st: Saving variable response sets over many datasets

From   Alex Sutherland <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Saving variable response sets over many datasets
Date   Mon, 4 Nov 2013 22:04:37 +0000

Dear Statalisters,

I am working with 97 datasets which *should* be the same but are not. =
The variables are named consistently but the response set for the =
variables differs. I would like to check the consistency of the =
responses by compiling the response sets for every variable & dataset in =
the order that the variables appear. I had thought something to the =
effect of:

foreach d of dataset {
	foreach var of varlist x1 x2 x3 {
		codebook `var'
		logout, excel `var'

Would work but codebook will not store the variable labels. So I'm =
unsure what is more suitable (-ds-?). Further, I'm again not sure how to =
append/add the output into a single (Excel) file.=20

Any suggestions / shortcuts are very welcome.

Dr. Alex Sutherland
Social Sciences' Research Methods Centre / Institute of Criminology, 
University of Cambridge
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