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Re: st: biprobit postestimation (marginal effects)

From   Fabian Guy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: biprobit postestimation (marginal effects)
Date   Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:50:19 +0200

Okay, thanks. I'll have a look at it!


2013/9/19 Austin Nichols <[email protected]>:
> Fabian Guy <[email protected]>:
> You have to work out for yourself what conditional probabilities you
> want to calculate differences in, and what values to set covariates
> to, and whether those make sense, but here is a (fake) example to see
> the "impact" of lagged smsa on current fy, no economic meaning or
> warranty of fitness implied:
> clear all
> webuse psidextract
> g fy=wks>50 if wks<.
> tsset id t
> g lfy=L.fy
> g lsmsa=L.smsa
> qui probit fy lsmsa ed blk south
> est sto fy1
> qui margins, dydx(*) post
> est sto fy2
> qui probit smsa lfy ed blk south
> est sto smsa1
> qui margins, dydx(*) post
> est sto smsa2
> prog mdp, eclass
> version 12.1
>  if replay() eret di
>  else {
> tempvar touse xtmp pr1 pr0 dp
> tempname beta
> syntax [anything], x(varname) [*]
> biprobit `anything', `options'
> g byte `touse'=e(sample)
> loc ys=e(depvar)
> loc y1:word 1 of `ys'
> loc y2:word 2 of `ys'
> ren `x' `xtmp'
> g byte `x'=0
> tempvar p00 p01 p10 p11
> predict double `p11', p11
> predict double `p10', p10
> predict double `p01', p01
> predict double `p00', p00
> g double `pr0'=`p11'/(`p11'+`p01') if `y2'==1
>  replace `pr0'=`p10'/(`p10'+`p00') if `y2'==0
> replace `x'=1
> tempvar p00 p01 p10 p11
> predict double `p11', p11
> predict double `p10', p10
> predict double `p01', p01
> predict double `p00', p00
> g double `pr1'=`p11'/(`p11'+`p01') if `y2'==1
>  replace `pr1'=`p10'/(`p10'+`p00') if `y2'==0
> g double `dp'=`pr1'-`pr0'
> su `dp' if `touse', mean
> drop `x'
> ren `xtmp' `x'
> mat `beta'=r(mean)
> mat colname `beta'=`x'
> mat rowname `beta'=`y1'
> qui count if `touse'
> loc N=r(N)
> eret post `beta', esample(`touse') dep(`y1') obs(`N') prop(b)
> eret scalar N = `N'
> eret loc depvar "`y1'"
> eret loc cmd "mdp"
>   }
> end
> qui biprobit (fy lsmsa ed blk south) (smsa lfy ed blk south)
> est sto biprobit
> mat bp=e(b)
> bs:mdp (fy lsmsa ed blk south) (smsa lfy ed blk south), x(lsmsa) from(bp)
> est sto dp
> est tab fy1 fy2 biprobit dp, se
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Fabian Guy <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply and sorry for being unprecise at the points a. to c.
>> Basically I'd like to compute the following two marginal effects:
>> 1.  dP(y1==1|X,L.y1,y2,L.y2)/dL.y2 and dP(y1==1|X,L.y1,y2,L.y2)/dX_j
>> (marginal effect of the binary lagged variable & marginal effect of a
>> regressor j)
>> 2. dP(y1==1|X,L.y1,y2,L.y2)/dy2
>> Do you know any reference or minimal example where I can look up how
>> to calculate these kind of marginal effects using the command predict?
>> Thank you very much.
>> 2013/9/19 Fabian Guy <[email protected]>:
>>> Thanks for the reply and sorry for being unprecise at the points a. to c.
>>> Basically I'd like to compute the following two marginal effects:
>>> 1.  dP(y1==1|X,L.y1,y2,L.y2)/dL.y2 and dP(y1==1|X,L.y1,y2,L.y2)/dX_j
>>> (marginal effect of the binary lagged variable & marginal effect of a
>>> regressor j)
>>> 2. dP(y1==1|X,L.y1,y2,L.y2)/dy2
>>> Do you know any reference or minimal example where I can look up how to
>>> calculate these kind of marginal effects using the command predict?
>>> Thank you very much.
>>> 2013/9/19 Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
>>>> Fabian Guy <[email protected]>:
>>>> You have to write a program to predict the relevant probabilities and
>>>> calculate differences, then you can bootstrap the program to get SE
>>>> for your marginal effects. You should not assume "X is at the mean of
>>>> the sample" rather than simply predicting the relevant probability for
>>>> each sample case, then averaging across the sample, to get the mean
>>>> marginal effects rather than marginal effects at the mean; you would
>>>> not want a marginal effect for a sample case that is half female and
>>>> half male rather than the half the effect for males plus half the
>>>> effect for females.
>>>> On a more practical note, it is convenient to rename the variable for
>>>> which you want to impose a counterfactual value, then generate a new
>>>> variable with that name e.g. generate y2=0, predict, then drop the new
>>>> variable and rename back to your original data.
>>>> I can't tell how many marginal effects you really want to estimate in
>>>> your a,b,c below, given the 0 (1) notations, but perhaps you can
>>>> explain what the primary marginal effect of interest is.  For
>>>> instance, in item a, I would guess you want to know
>>>> dPr(y1==1|X,L.y1,y2,L.y2)/dL.y2 which means you average over the y2
>>>> and L.y1 and L.y2 possibilities, perhaps using observed lag values but
>>>> probabilities of y2 in your sample.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 6:10 AM, Fabian Guy <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> > Dear Stata-Experts,
>>>> > I need your advice with a simple biprobit postestimation analysis. I
>>>> > think the problem that I have could be solved in a straightforward
>>>> > manner, but since I am not that familiar with Stata I would like to
>>>> > make sure that I do not mess things up.
>>>> >
>>>> > So, suppose I have a panel of i=1,...,I individuals and for each
>>>> > individual I have observation over time t=1,...,T.
>>>> > I estimate the following _pooled_ bivariate probit model:
>>>> > (y1 = L.y2 X)
>>>> > (y2 = L.y1 X)
>>>> > where X = common regressors in both equations (continuous, no binary
>>>> > variable included in this set). The estimation turns out that
>>>> > estimating a two equation probit is important, since the correlation
>>>> > parameter of the errors is significantly different from zero.
>>>> >
>>>> > I would like to compute the following marginal effects:
>>>> > a) Given X is at the mean of the sample, y2=0 (1), and L.y1=0 (1),
>>>> > what is the increase/decrease in the probability of y1=1 if L.y2
>>>> > increases from 0 to 1?
>>>> > b) Given X_subset is at the mean, y2=0 (1), and L.y1=0 (1), what is
>>>> > the increase/decrease in the probability of y1=1 if X_j increases by
>>>> > one unit?
>>>> > c) Given X is at the mean, L.y2 = 0 (1) y2=1 (0), and L.y1 = 0 (1),
>>>> > what is the Prob. of y1=1?
>>>> >
>>>> > For me it looks like that those marginal effects could be typically
>>>> > requested using biprobit. Do I have to use margins or predict for
>>>> > these calculations? Do I have to code this by my own or is there a
>>>> > Stata command with some options (like predict/margins) that could
>>>> > provide me a solution to those calculations?
>>>> >
>>>> > A possible variation would be to set L. variables as well to their
>>>> > average, however, I think it does not make much sense for dichotomous
>>>> > variables.
>>>> >
>>>> > I appreciate any advice very much.
>>>> >
>>>> > Best,
>>>> > Fabian
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