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st: Parametric survival analysis with competing risks

From   Enzo Coviello <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Parametric survival analysis with competing risks
Date   Sat, 28 Apr 2012 11:16:48 +0200

Dear Paul,

In fact, since posting, I have read around&  done some web searches&  realised that survival analysis with competing risks is not so different from ordinary survival analysis, which answers my immediate problem .  The same regression methods and software can apparently be used.  It is only necessary to treat the subjects with competing events (women undergoing induction or C/S) as censored at the end of the study period.

I believe that ordinary survival regression can be applied to competing risks situation if observations are appropriately weighted (Geskus, Biometrics 2011 67, 39–49). Unfortunately the very interesting approach proposed in the paper is not currently available within Stata.

Let me know if I should change this not encouraging point of view.
Best wishes.


Enzo Coviello
Epidemiology Unit - Cancer Registry ASL BT
Piazza Umberto 1
mobile +39 347 5016016
tel +39 0883 577329
fax +39 0883 577288
Home +39 0883 695055

Enzo Coviello
Epidemiology Unit - Cancer Registry ASL BT
Piazza Umberto 1
mobile +39 347 5016016
tel +39 0883 577329
fax +39 0883 577288
Home +39 0883 695055

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