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st: Tabout including all categories

From   Elizabeth Knaster <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Tabout including all categories
Date   Thu, 22 Dec 2011 19:31:02 +0000

Hello! I could use some help with tabout:

I want to use tabout to produce tables with all categories of a variable, even if the value is equal to zero. I have installed fre from SSC and have successfully used includelabeled, for example, "fre agecat, includelabeled" but I am unable to use "includelabeled" with tabout. Is there a way to incorporate fre and includelabeled in the tabout syntax? Or is there some other way to have tabout display all categories of a variable, including zero?  

This is the current code I am using, for reference: 

foreach var0 in sex agecat durdmcat dmtype BMIcat   {
tabout `var0' year using "AllSitesTrends.xls", append mi c(freq col) f(0 3p) clab(N %)  

Thanks, and happy holidays!


Elizabeth Knaster, MPH
Project Coordinator
Urban Indian Health Institute
Seattle Indian Health Board
Phone: 206-812-3032 
Fax: 206-812-3044 
Email: [email protected]

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