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st: Model for Poisson-shaped distribution but with non-count data

From   Owen Gallupe <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Model for Poisson-shaped distribution but with non-count data
Date   Mon, 5 Dec 2011 15:34:09 -0800


Does anyone know what type of regression model I should use? I've been
searching and have not been able to find a modeling approach designed
to meet the distributional properties of a variable I am hoping to

The dependent variable has what looks like a Poisson distribution, but
with non-count data. About 28% of the sample scores somewhere between
0 and 1. The highest value is 182.6. Skew = 2.256; kurtosis = 10.002.

I have tried bootstrapped linear regressions and linear regressions
after employing a normalizing transformation using lnskew0 (though the
normalization is not perfect and results in a bimodal residual

One further complication is that I need to include random intercepts.

If anyone could help, it would be very  much appreciated.


Owen Gallupe
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