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st: interaction between sex and year dummies

From   valentina tortolini <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: interaction between sex and year dummies
Date   Mon, 5 Dec 2011 11:31:07 +0100

Dear all, I'm carring out a fixed effect analysis on wage data. I'd
like to see wether the gender gap descreases or increases over time as
a results of the coefficients of the FE estimator.
I'm estimating an equation like this:
As long as the wage gap (male wage vs female wage)  decreases over
time as it likely in my data what kind of pattern should I expect from
coefficient c1...cT?
In Wooldridge 2010 (cap 10) there is a brief of explanation this
problem but is it non clear how to interpretate the coefficients.
Any help will be very appreciated!
Best regards
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