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st: xtmixed slope cross validation

From   "Proitsi, Petroula" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: xtmixed slope cross validation
Date   Thu, 1 Dec 2011 09:07:20 +0000

Dear Statalist,
I have  predicted the slopes for memory decline in a sample of demented patients
- in order to validate my model I split my sample into a "training" and "test" set with the idea to fit a model on the training set
and then predict the slopes of the "test"set and compare these to the slopes of the whole sample.

in the help for the predict command says that you can run a model using one dataset (I used the "train"), use a different dataset (then used the "test")  and then used predict (in my case I typed:  predict r_slope1 r_inter1, reffects)-
However, I get that message: no observations.
Does anyone have any idea of how to predict the slopes for the "test" set, using the slopes of the "train" set?
many thanks in advance
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