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st: generating predicted probabilities, setting variables constant at mean or mode

From   Sara Head <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: generating predicted probabilities, setting variables constant at mean or mode
Date   Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:13:14 -0400

Hi Statalist,

I am graphing some predicted probabilities from a Generalized Ordered
Logistic Regression model. I am using Long & Freese's SPost commands
(i.e. prgen and praccum) and Williams' gologit2 (in Stata IC 11.2). My
model has both categorical and continuous predictors.

When I run praccum, I use the x() option to assign specific values to
some variables and then I use rest(mean) to set other variables
constant at their mean. Rest(mean) obviously makes sense for
continuous predictors, but it isn't intuitive for categorical
variables. I can't find SPost examples where, after specifying x(),
users set categorical predictors constant at their mode.

Could someone provide insight into why I would set categorical
predictors constant at their mean and not their mode?


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