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st: RE: e(wexp) versus e(wexp): different routines return different things

From   "Schaffer, Mark E" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: e(wexp) versus e(wexp): different routines return different things
Date   Sat, 27 Aug 2011 12:56:31 +0100

You could use -ivreg2-; there's an "=" in e(wexp) it saves.  You'll need to fiddle with the small, rob and bw options to reproduce the -newey2- results, though.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] 
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of 
> Rodini, Mark
> Sent: 27 August 2011 02:50
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: e(wexp) versus e(wexp): different routines 
> return different things
> Greetings,
> I have a program which executes after I run an estimation 
> procedure, and it does a collapse where weighting is an option.
> Within the program is the following line:
> if "`e(wexp)'" != "" {
> 			collapse (mean) `y_sample' `xb_sample' 
> [fw `e(wexp)']
> 		}
> I'm running an estimation using "reg" and one using "newey2". 
>  Suppose the name of the weighting variable, should I opt to 
> use it, is "mycount" so for example, I run:
> reg y high low cows [aw=mycount]
> and then execute the program.
> Both estimation routines create as output an estimation 
> "variable" called e(wexp).  Note that this is what is passed 
> to the program as indicated above.
> Here is the kicker: reg returns e(wexp) as "= mycount", but 
> newey2 returns e(wexp) as "mycount" (without the equals sign!)
> The reg version properly executes the program above, but 
> newey2 gives an error about an inability to weight, since the 
> syntax requires an equals sign.
> I have tried within the program to create a tempname or 
> tempvar, assign e(wexp) to it and then tried running
> scalar `wts'=regexr(`e(wexp)',"=","")
> I then replace the `e(wexp)' in the program with `wts' and 
> add an equals sign explicitly in the program.  The idea I was 
> hoping for is that it would replace the "=" with nothing in 
> the macro variable, if one were there.
> No matter how I try it, it fails, usually with a type 
> mismatch error.  I tried adding double quotes, etc.  I am 
> assuming that because I'm trying to pass it as a scalar, that 
> is what bombs it.  Any thoughts?  I'm guessing it's something 
> pretty basic --I'm kind of new to writing complicated 
> programs which pass lots of stuff.
> Thanks much.
> Mark
> ----------------------------------------------
> Mark Rodini
> 1111 Broadway, Suite 1500
> Oakland, CA  94607
> 510-285-1258 (direct)
> 510-285-1240 (main)
> 510-285-1245 (fax)
> [email protected]
> This e-mail and attachments may be confidential and protected 
> by legal privilege.  If you are not the intended recipient, 
> be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of 
> the e-mail or any attachment is prohibited.  If you have 
> received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately 
> by replying to the sender, and then delete this copy and the 
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