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Re: st: How to use functions within variable names

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: How to use functions within variable names
Date   Thu, 18 Aug 2011 09:20:09 +0100

It seems that you need a new variable that is the largest -c- in any group

egen d = max(c), by(group)

Then use -d- not -c-.

Alternatively, see

SJ-9-1  pr0046  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Speaking Stata: Rowwise
        (help rowsort, rowranks if installed) . . . . . . . . . . .  N. J. Cox
        Q1/09   SJ 9(1):137--157
        shows how to exploit functions, egen functions, and Mata
        for working rowwise; rowsort and rowranks are introduced

for a review of work in this territory. -rowsort- is either what you
want or a source of possible ideas on how to get what you want.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:08 AM, Jakob Fischer <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello, first of all thank you Maarten and Daniel for your input and time.

> I tried to keep the example small and simple and focus only on my issue. But here is what I want to do:
> I want to reverse sets of variables for groups with different lengths. The example should illustrate it.
> *----------- begin example -------------
> clear
> input a0 a1 a2 a3 c group result0 result1 result2 b0 b1 b2
>       .    1    2    3    3    1    3    2    1    .    .    .
>       .    4    5    .    3    1    .    5    4    .    .    .
>       .    6    .    .    3    1    .    .    6    .    .    .
>       .    7    .    .    2    2    .    7    .    .    .    .
>       .    8    .    .    2    2    .    8    .    .    .    .
>       .    9    10    .    2    2    10    9    .    .    .    .
> end
> compress
> list a1 a2 a3 group c
> //The result should be in reversed order, always starting with variable result0. Where c is the biggest "length" of a-variables within a group.
> list result0 result1 result2 group c
> //This is what the final result should look like
> //Group 1: c=3 because of observation 1
> //Group 2: c=2 because of observation 6
> forvalue i=0/2 {
> replace b`i'=a`=c-`i''
> }
> list b0 b1 b2 group c
> // Observations 4-6 are not correct
> *------------ end example --------------
> Unfortunately, as stated by Daniel, Stata takes the c value from the first observation for all observations. Using c[_n] is not working either, but I hope to find a solution to that problem.

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