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Re: st: RE: extract rownames corresponding to data as unique codes
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: RE: extract rownames corresponding to data as unique codes
Sun, 7 Aug 2011 08:56:48 +0100
I have traced my original suggestion of code to 11 July:
In that I spell out that Judy's rownames appeared to be all numeric,
so the initialisation
gen rowname = .
would be fine. But if that is not correct, the variable should clearly
be created as string.
gen rowname = ""
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> This code initialises -rowname-as numeric, as I pointed out in my last
> message. I've lost track of whether that was my suggestion, but it remains
> my best guess at your problem.
> On 5 Aug 2011, at 01:31, Judy You <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Nick here is the command i used suggested by you. Thanks for your
>> patience!
>> Cheers
>> use data, clear
>> destring sla,replace
>> qui dstdize deaths pop sex agegp, by(sla) using (t0)
>> drop _all
>> return list
>> matrix C = r(crude)', r(adj)', r(lb)' , r(ub)'
>> svmat C, names(col)
>> gen rowname = .
>> qui forval i = 1/95 {
>> replace rowname = r(c`i') in `i'
>> }
>> Whether i destring sla or not, it doesn't make any difference. So the
>> error message happened after forval loope.
>> Cheers
>> Judy
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Nick Cox <[email protected]>
>>> Date: 2011/8/4
>>> Subject: Re: st: RE: extract rownames corresponding to data as unique
>>> codes
>>> To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
>>> Thanks, but the problem is inside the -forval- loop and that code is
>>> (again) not given by you, Perhaps you are trying to put strings
>>> inside a numeric variable, or vice versa, or something similar. I
>>> guess that your -rowname- should not be initialised to numeric
>>> missings.
>>> Nick
>>> On 4 Aug 2011, at 00:36, Judy You <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> ok, i see.
>>>> here is the log file with commands and results.
>>>> Thanks for your attention again!
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Judy
>>>> . use data, clear
>>>> . destring sla,replace
>>>> sla has all characters numeric; replaced as int
>>>> . qui dstdize deaths pop sex agegp, by(sla) using (t0)
>>>> . drop _all
>>>> . return list
>>>> scalars:
>>>> r(k) = 95
>>>> macros:
>>>> r(by) : "sla"
>>>> r(c95) : "`"5050"'"
>>>> r(c94) : "`"5000"'"
>>>> ------
>>>> r(c4) : "`"207"'"
>>>> r(c3) : "`"205"'"
>>>> r(c2) : "`"203"'"
>>>> r(c1) : "`"201"'"
>>>> matrices:
>>>> r(se) : 1 x 95
>>>> r(ub) : 1 x 95
>>>> r(lb) : 1 x 95
>>>> r(adj) : 1 x 95
>>>> r(crude) : 1 x 95
>>>> r(Nobs) : 1 x 95
>>>> . matrix C = r(crude)', r(adj)', r(lb)' , r(ub)'
>>>> . svmat C, names(col)
>>>> number of observations will be reset to 95
>>>> Press any key to continue, or Break to abort
>>>> obs was 0, now 95
>>>> .
>>>> . gen rowname = .
>>>> (95 missing values generated)
>>>> . qui forval i = 1/95 {
>>>> type mismatch
>>>> r(109);
>>>> end of do-file
>>>> r(109);
>>>> 2011/8/3 Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
>>>>> Sorry, Judy, but this is not what was asked for. To understand an error
>>>>> message, it helps to see the code, meaning Stata commands, that was
>>>>> typed.
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> On 3 Aug 2011, at 01:08, Judy You <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Nick:
>>>>>> Sorry, i have not included the whole list of codes in my first email,
>>>>>> only with selected codes.
>>>>>> Here are the complete list, and your help is much appreciated indeed.
>>>>>> macros:
>>>>>> r(by) : "sla"
>>>>>> r(c95) : "`"5050"'"
>>>>>> r(c94) : "`"5000"'"
>>>>>> r(c93) : "`"4809"'"
>>>>>> r(c92) : "`"4700"'"
>>>>>> r(c91) : "`"4650"'"
>>>>>> r(c90) : "`"4600"'"
>>>>>> r(c89) : "`"4409"'"
>>>>>> r(c88) : "`"4050"'"
>>>>>> r(c87) : "`"4030"'"
>>>>>> r(c86) : "`"4020"'"
>>>>>> r(c85) : "`"4009"'"
>>>>>> r(c84) : "`"3800"'"
>>>>>> r(c83) : "`"3650"'"
>>>>>> r(c82) : "`"3609"'"
>>>>>> r(c81) : "`"3409"'"
>>>>>> r(c80) : "`"3309"'"
>>>>>> r(c79) : "`"3209"'"
>>>>>> r(c78) : "`"3030"'"
>>>>>> r(c77) : "`"3009"'"
>>>>>> r(c76) : "`"2824"'"
>>>>>> r(c75) : "`"2818"'"
>>>>>> r(c74) : "`"2814"'"
>>>>>> r(c73) : "`"2811"'"
>>>>>> r(c72) : "`"2808"'"
>>>>>> r(c71) : "`"2806"'"
>>>>>> r(c70) : "`"2804"'"
>>>>>> r(c69) : "`"2802"'"
>>>>>> r(c68) : "`"2530"'"
>>>>>> r(c67) : "`"2500"'"
>>>>>> r(c66) : "`"2409"'"
>>>>>> r(c65) : "`"2380"'"
>>>>>> r(c64) : "`"2360"'"
>>>>>> r(c63) : "`"2340"'"
>>>>>> r(c62) : "`"2320"'"
>>>>>> r(c61) : "`"2308"'"
>>>>>> r(c60) : "`"2304"'"
>>>>>> r(c59) : "`"2270"'"
>>>>>> r(c58) : "`"2240"'"
>>>>>> r(c57) : "`"2200"'"
>>>>>> r(c56) : "`"2100"'"
>>>>>> r(c55) : "`"2000"'"
>>>>>> r(c54) : "`"1909"'"
>>>>>> r(c53) : "`"1809"'"
>>>>>> r(c52) : "`"1609"'"
>>>>>> r(c51) : "`"1409"'"
>>>>>> r(c50) : "`"1350"'"
>>>>>> r(c49) : "`"1209"'"
>>>>>> r(c48) : "`"1169"'"
>>>>>> r(c47) : "`"1138"'"
>>>>>> r(c46) : "`"1134"'"
>>>>>> r(c45) : "`"1128"'"
>>>>>> r(c44) : "`"1124"'"
>>>>>> r(c43) : "`"1118"'"
>>>>>> r(c42) : "`"1114"'"
>>>>>> r(c41) : "`"1108"'"
>>>>>> r(c40) : "`"1104"'"
>>>>>> r(c39) : "`"1098"'"
>>>>>> r(c38) : "`"1094"'"
>>>>>> r(c37) : "`"1088"'"
>>>>>> r(c36) : "`"1084"'"
>>>>>> r(c35) : "`"1078"'"
>>>>>> r(c34) : "`"1074"'"
>>>>>> r(c33) : "`"1068"'"
>>>>>> r(c32) : "`"1064"'"
>>>>>> r(c31) : "`"1058"'"
>>>>>> r(c30) : "`"1054"'"
>>>>>> r(c29) : "`"1052"'"
>>>>>> r(c28) : "`"1048"'"
>>>>>> r(c27) : "`"1044"'"
>>>>>> r(c26) : "`"1038"'"
>>>>>> r(c25) : "`"1034"'"
>>>>>> r(c24) : "`"1028"'"
>>>>>> r(c23) : "`"1024"'"
>>>>>> r(c22) : "`"1018"'"
>>>>>> r(c21) : "`"1014"'"
>>>>>> r(c20) : "`"1011"'"
>>>>>> r(c19) : "`"1008"'"
>>>>>> r(c18) : "`"1004"'"
>>>>>> r(c17) : "`"809"'"
>>>>>> r(c16) : "`"790"'"
>>>>>> r(c15) : "`"770"'"
>>>>>> r(c14) : "`"759"'"
>>>>>> r(c13) : "`"700"'"
>>>>>> r(c12) : "`"600"'"
>>>>>> r(c11) : "`"570"'"
>>>>>> r(c10) : "`"540"'"
>>>>>> r(c9) : "`"400"'"
>>>>>> r(c8) : "`"360"'"
>>>>>> r(c7) : "`"330"'"
>>>>>> r(c6) : "`"300"'"
>>>>>> r(c5) : "`"208"'"
>>>>>> r(c4) : "`"207"'"
>>>>>> r(c3) : "`"205"'"
>>>>>> r(c2) : "`"203"'"
>>>>>> r(c1) : "`"201"'"
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Judy
>>>>>> 2011/8/2 Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
>>>>>>> You don't show the exact code you used to provoke such an error
>>>>>>> message.
>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>> On 2 Aug 2011, at 02:12, Judy You <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Nick,
>>>>>>>> i have tried your command, it gives me error message.
>>>>>>>> matrices:
>>>>>>>> r(se) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>> r(ub) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>> r(lb) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>> r(adj) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>> r(crude) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>> r(Nobs) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>> number of observations will be reset to 95
>>>>>>>> Press any key to continue, or Break to abort
>>>>>>>> obs was 0, now 95
>>>>>>>> (95 missing values generated)
>>>>>>>> type mismatch
>>>>>>>> r(109);
>>>>>>>> end of do-file
>>>>>>>> r(109);
>>>>>>>> What i like to have SLAs (area codes) maintain the original source
>>>>>>>> (numeric format),eg., sla=201, 203 205 --- 4809, 5000 5050 etc..
>>>>>>>> instead of 1 to 95.
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> Judy
>>>>>>>> 2011/7/13 Judy You <[email protected]>
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Nick for your promptous response. SLA is an area code. Since
>>>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>>>> am away and have no stata program in my hand, i ccouldn't try to
>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>> it now, but i trust it will work fine.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>> Judy
>>>>>>>>> 2011/7/11 Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
>>>>>>>>>> I don't know what SLAs are.
>>>>>>>>>> In your case, the row names, originally column names, are
>>>>>>>>>> apparently
>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>> numbers, so you should be able to loop over the names and store
>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>> in a
>>>>>>>>>> variable (_not_ column) something like this:
>>>>>>>>>> qui dstdize freq pop sex agegp, by(sla) using (t0)
>>>>>>>>>> drop _all
>>>>>>>>>> return list
>>>>>>>>>> matrix C = r(crude)', r(adj)', r(lb)' , r(ub)'
>>>>>>>>>> svmat C, names(col)
>>>>>>>>>> gen rowname = .
>>>>>>>>>> qui forval i = 1/95 {
>>>>>>>>>> replace rowname = r(c`i') in `i'
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>>> [email protected]
>>>>>>>>>> Judy You
>>>>>>>>>> I am running a "dstdize" age-standardised rate syntax and got a
>>>>>>>>>> result
>>>>>>>>>> with Crude and age-adjusted rate, together with lower and upper
>>>>>>>>>> limit.
>>>>>>>>>> The age adjusted rate is reported by SLA level (which there are 95
>>>>>>>>>> rows or records). I have save the matrix in a file but the result
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't come along with SLA code. I could force it to do by merge
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> predefined file with sla code to the one saved in the matrix. I
>>>>>>>>>> believer there should be the smart way to do.
>>>>>>>>>> Here is my log file. Thanks for your help in advance!
>>>>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>>>>> . qui dstdize freq pop sex agegp, by(sla) using (t0)
>>>>>>>>>> . drop _all
>>>>>>>>>> . return list
>>>>>>>>>> scalars:
>>>>>>>>>> r(k) = 95
>>>>>>>>>> macros:
>>>>>>>>>> r(by) : "sla"
>>>>>>>>>> r(c95) : "`"5050"'"
>>>>>>>>>> r(c94) : "`"5000"'"
>>>>>>>>>> r(c93) : "`"4809"'"
>>>>>>>>>> ------
>>>>>>>>>> r(c3) : "`"205"'"
>>>>>>>>>> r(c2) : "`"203"'"
>>>>>>>>>> r(c1) : "`"201"'"
>>>>>>>>>> matrices:
>>>>>>>>>> r(se) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>>>> r(ub) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>>>> r(lb) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>>>> r(adj) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>>>> r(crude) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>>>> r(Nobs) : 1 x 95
>>>>>>>>>> . matrix C = r(crude)', r(adj)', r(lb)' , r(ub)'
>>>>>>>>>> . svmat C, names(col)
>>>>>>>>>> number of observations will be reset to 95 Press any key to
>>>>>>>>>> continue,
>>>>>>>>>> or Break to abort obs was 0, now 95
>>>>>>>>>> . save t1,replace
>>>>>>>>>> file t1.dta saved
>>>>>>>>>> Crude Adjusted Left Right
>>>>>>>>>> .0144418 .0213993 .0160632 .0267354
>>>>>>>>>> .0242798 .0409689 .030746 .0511917
>>>>>>>>>> .0123417 .0186174 .0149574 .0222773
>>>>>>>>>> .0097357 .0142612 .0108197 .0177028
>>>>>>>>>> .0260393 .051086 .0389991 .0631729
>>>>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>>>>> The saved file looks like that, but what I like is to have a
>>>>>>>>>> column
>>>>>>>>>> named as SLA, corresponding to the SLA codes in the original data.
>>>>>>>>>> Could any expert give me some hint?
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